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r300: optimize pass "source conflict resolve"

Filip Gawin requested to merge gawin/mesa:r300/mov_optimize into main

("source conflict resolve" pass is workaround for hardware incapability to use 2 const/input registers in one instruction) Compiler without this patch is often wasting temp registers.

For example:

Vertex Program: after 'source conflict resolve'
Radeon Compiler Program
  0: MOV temp[3], const[0];
  1: MUL temp[0], const[4].xxxx, temp[3];
  2: MOV temp[4], const[1];
  3: MAD temp[1], const[4].yyyy, temp[4], temp[0];
  4: MOV temp[5], const[2];
  5: MAD temp[0], const[4].zzzz, temp[5], temp[1];
  6: MOV temp[6], const[3];
  7: MAD temp[2], const[4].wwww, temp[6], temp[0];
  8: MOV output[0], temp[2];
  9: MOV output[1], temp[2];

After this patch:

Vertex Program: after 'source conflict resolve'
Radeon Compiler Program
  0: MOV temp[3], const[4];
  1: MUL temp[0], temp[3].xxxx, const[0];
  2: MAD temp[1], temp[3].yyyy, const[1], temp[0];
  3: MAD temp[0], temp[3].zzzz, const[2], temp[1];
  4: MAD temp[2], temp[3].wwww, const[3], temp[0];
  5: MOV output[0], temp[2];
  6: MOV output[1], temp[2];

Tagging @mareko @anholt, all advices how to make this look nicer are gonna be appreciated. :)

@anholt can you try running deqp_gles2 on your CI? (I have issue with running full test suit, test nr 7658 is hardlocking my pc.) Thanks.

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