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Split the extra OpenGL and OpenGL ES extensions

Romain Failliot requested to merge (removed):split-gl-gles-extra-exts into main

This is in order to improve Mesamatrix presentation by including the extra extensions in their respective API section.

Right now, the OpenGL and OpenGL ES extra extensions section is mixing extensions for OpenGL only, for OpenGL ES only, for both APIs, or with undefined API.

Here's how I sorted them out. Based on @imirkin's comment on the related issue (#5447). I've opened the specification for each extra extension page and looked at the "Number" section, and it fell into one of these cases:

  1. "ARB" means it's OpenGL (like for GL_ARB_bindless_texture)
  2. "OES" means it's OpenGL ES (like for GL_OES_EGL_image)
  3. Sometime its both OpenGL and OpenGL ES (like for GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8)
  4. Sometime it's weird and you only get a number (like for GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test)

Everything that is OpenGL-only, I moved it within its own section after the OpenGL versions.

Everything that is OpenGL ES-only, I moved it too within its own section after the OpenGL ES versions.

Everything else is in another section called: "Extensions that are for both OpenGL and OpenGL ES, or in an unknown state, but not part of any version"

Fixes #5447

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