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egl, wgl: Finish implementing available EGL functions

Jesse Natalie requested to merge jenatali/mesa:egl-wgl-more into main

I believe this is everything that already exists in st, stw, Gallium, etc, which can be trivially hooked up to EGL:

  • Pbuffers
  • Binding surfaces as textures
    • I ratholed on this a while to understand why the WGL frontend does this with a Y-flipping copy, where GLX and EGL don't. Looks like consumers of EGL/GLX are just expected to know that reading the surface will be upside down, and the NOK extension for pixmaps added a query to specifically expose that.
  • Images
  • Sync objects

And a few other misc things.

Lightly tested, since EGL content for Windows is rare, but after hacking up some piglit tests and finding one EGL/GLES3 sample suite, this seems to work.

Edited by Jesse Natalie

Merge request reports