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main: allow all external textures for BindImageTexture

Quantum requested to merge quantum/mesa:bind-image-texture-external into main

According to OES_EGL_image_external_essl3:

On p. 196 in the errors section for BindImageTexture, replace the last error with the following:

"An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if is neither the name of an immutable texture object, nor the name of an external texture object."

According to OES_EGL_image_external:

The command

void EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(enum target, eglImageOES image);

with set to TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES defines the currently bound external texture object to be a target sibling of <image>.


If is not TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, the error INVALID_ENUM is generated. (Note: if GL_OES_EGL_image is supported then <target> may also be TEXTURE_2D).

Currently, mesa only allows GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES textures to be bound by glBindImageTexture. However, the language of the specification does not appear to use "external" to refer to GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES specifically, since OES_EGL_image_external allows external eglImageOES to be attached to GL_TEXTURE_2D in the presence of GL_OES_EGL_image. Thus, it should be interpreted to refer to all types of external textures, including 2D textures attached via glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES.

Fixes: ed43dd62 ("main: allow external textures for BindImageTexture")

Note to reviewers:

  • I am not sure if I got all the places where an image is redefined and the texture ceases to be external.

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