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meson: use summary()

Thomas Andersen requested to merge phomes/mesa:meson-summary into main

I was annoyed by the unaligned lines in the meson configuration summary. Rather than just fixing up all the white space in the lines I thought we should try mesons builtin summary().

Here is the original:

Message: Configuration summary:
        prefix:          /usr/local
        libdir:          lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
        includedir:      include
        OpenGL:          yes (ES1: yes ES2: yes)
        OSMesa:          no
        DRI platform:    drm
        DRI drivers:     i915 i965 r100 r200 nouveau
        DRI driver dir:  /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri
        GLX:             DRI-based
        EGL:             yes
        EGL drivers:     builtin:egl_dri2 builtin:egl_dri3
        EGL/Vulkan/VL platforms:   x11 wayland surfaceless drm surfaceless drm
        GBM:             yes
        GBM backends path: /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gbm
        Vulkan drivers:  amd intel swrast
        Vulkan ICD dir:  share/vulkan/icd.d
        llvm:            yes
        llvm-version:    13.0.0
        Gallium drivers: r300 r600 radeonsi nouveau virgl svga swrast iris
        Gallium st:      mesa xa va
        HUD lmsensors:   no
        Shared-glapi:    yes
        Perfetto:        no
        Perfetto ds:     auto

First I tried a direct conversion but it is not easy to add blank lines meson summary. The output is a bit compact. YES/NO are in capital and colored green/red.

  Configuration summary
    prefix                 : /usr/local
    libdir                 : lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
    includedir             : include
    OpenGL                 : YES
    ES1                    : YES
    ES2                    : YES
    OSMesa                 : NO
    DRI platform           : drm
    DRI drivers            : i915 i965 r100 r200 nouveau
    DRI driver dir         : /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri
    GLX                    : DRI-based
    EGL                    : YES
    EGL drivers            : builtin:egl_dri2 builtin:egl_dri3
    EGL/Vulkan/VL platforms: x11 wayland surfaceless drm surfaceless drm
    GBM                    : YES
    GBM backends path      : /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gbm
    Vulkan drivers         : amd intel swrast
    Vulkan ICD dir         : share/vulkan/icd.d
    llvm                   : YES
    llvm-version           : 13.0.0
    Gallium                : YES
    Gallium drivers        : r300 r600 radeonsi nouveau virgl svga swrast iris
    Gallium st             : mesa xa va
    HUD lmsensors          : NO
    Shared-glapi           : YES
    Perfetto               : NO
    Perfetto ds            : auto

Lastly in the second commit individual sections are used:

    prefix                 : /usr/local
    libdir                 : lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
    includedir             : include

    OpenGL                 : YES
    ES1                    : YES
    ES2                    : YES

    OSMesa                 : NO

    Platform               : drm
    Drivers                : i915 i965 r100 r200 nouveau
    Driver dir             : /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri

    GLX                    : DRI-based

    EGL                    : YES
    Drivers                : builtin:egl_dri2 builtin:egl_dri3
    EGL/Vulkan/VL platforms: x11 wayland surfaceless drm surfaceless drm

    GBM                    : YES
    Backends path          : /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gbm

    Drivers                : amd intel swrast
    ICD dir                : share/vulkan/icd.d

    llvm                   : YES
    llvm-version           : 13.0.0

    Gallium                : YES
    Drivers                : r300 r600 radeonsi nouveau virgl svga swrast iris
    st                     : mesa xa va

    HUD lmsensors          : NO
    Shared-glapi           : YES

    Perfetto               : NO
    Perfetto ds            : auto

With summary() we get the alignment for free and it is easy to work with as it takes bools, lists, etc so we save some manual conversion.

Using the summary does require meson 0.53. Using the list_sep options requires 0.54 but should just produce a warning on 0.53. Without list_sep each value is printed on a separate line which makes a long summary. In versions before 0.57 the keys are right aligned so the output looks different there as well.

Edited by Thomas Andersen

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