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vulkan/wsi/x11: add debug option to not wait under Xwayland

Simon Ser requested to merge emersion/mesa:x11-vk-wait-for-fences into main

By default, Mesa's X11 Vulkan WSI will wait for buffers to be ready before submitting them to Xwayland when the swapchain is created with the IMMEDIATE mode.

This is undesirable when the Wayland compositor already monitors fences. A Wayland compositor may want to know the delay between the buffer submition and the end of the GPU work, this is impossible to measure if the WSI waits for the buffer to be ready before submission.

Since most compositors don't monitor fences, lets' introduce a debug option for this for now. We can reconsider once more compositors have better support for fences.

Signed-off-by: Simon Ser

Edited by Simon Ser

Merge request reports