anv: Dirt 5 crashes at tryCreatingPipelineStateFromCache
Without Sparse, Dirt 5 simply refuses to load and that's expected. With Sparse enabled (!23045 (merged)), the game gives the following error when launched:
'tryCreatingPipelineStateFromCache(pipelineStateDesc, nullCachedPso, pInOutPipelineState)' failed with 'HR = 0x80070057, Reason = E_INVALIDARG: This usually means the shader binding layout has changed and the shader being loaded (see TTY immediately before this msg) was built with an old binding layout, so that shader/.gpso needs rebuilding.''tryCreatingPipelineStateFromCache(pipelineStateDesc, nullCachedPso, pInOutPipelineState)' failed with 'HR = 0x80070057, Reason = E_INVALIDARG: This usually means the shader binding layout has changed and the shader being loaded (see TTY immediately before this msg) was built with an old binding layout, so that shader/.gpso needs rebuilding.
There is nothing useful in the TTY immediately before this message. Any help debugging this would be appreciated.