glsl: unused samplers break gl_nir_lower_samplers_as_deref indexing
I encountered/dumped this set of shaders today:
GLSL >= 1.50
[vertex shader]
#version 150
float saturate( float v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }
vec2 saturate( vec2 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }
vec3 saturate( vec3 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }
vec4 saturate( vec4 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }
vec4 tex2Dlod( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }
float dot4 ( vec4 a, vec4 b ) { return dot( a, b ); }
float dot4 ( vec2 a, vec4 b ) { return dot( vec4( a, 0.0, 1.0 ), b ); }
uniform vec4 _va_ [4];
in vec4 in_Position;
void main() {
gl_Position.x = dot4( in_Position, _va_[0 ] );
gl_Position.y = dot4( in_Position, _va_[1 ] );
gl_Position.z = dot4( in_Position, _va_[2 ] );
gl_Position.w = dot4( in_Position, _va_[3 ] );
[fragment shader]
#version 150
void clip( float v ) { if ( v < 0.0 ) { discard; } }
void clip( vec2 v ) { if ( any( lessThan( v, vec2( 0.0 ) ) ) ) { discard; } }
void clip( vec3 v ) { if ( any( lessThan( v, vec3( 0.0 ) ) ) ) { discard; } }
void clip( vec4 v ) { if ( any( lessThan( v, vec4( 0.0 ) ) ) ) { discard; } }
float saturate( float v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }
vec2 saturate( vec2 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }
vec3 saturate( vec3 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }
vec4 saturate( vec4 v ) { return clamp( v, 0.0, 1.0 ); }
vec4 tex2D( sampler2D sampler, vec2 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.xy ); }
vec4 tex2D( sampler2DShadow sampler, vec3 texcoord ) { return vec4( texture( sampler, ) ); }
vec4 tex2D( sampler2D sampler, vec2 texcoord, vec2 dx, vec2 dy ) { return textureGrad( sampler, texcoord.xy, dx, dy ); }
vec4 tex2D( sampler2DShadow sampler, vec3 texcoord, vec2 dx, vec2 dy ) { return vec4( textureGrad( sampler,, dx, dy ) ); }
vec4 texCUBE( samplerCube sampler, vec3 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, ); }
vec4 texCUBE( samplerCubeShadow sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return vec4( texture( sampler, texcoord.xyzw ) ); }
vec4 tex1Dproj( sampler1D sampler, vec2 texcoord ) { return textureProj( sampler, texcoord ); }
vec4 tex2Dproj( sampler2D sampler, vec3 texcoord ) { return textureProj( sampler, texcoord ); }
vec4 tex3Dproj( sampler3D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureProj( sampler, texcoord ); }
vec4 tex1Dbias( sampler1D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.x, texcoord.w ); }
vec4 tex2Dbias( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }
vec4 tex3Dbias( sampler3D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler,, texcoord.w ); }
vec4 texCUBEbias( samplerCube sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return texture( sampler,, texcoord.w ); }
vec4 tex1Dlod( sampler1D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.x, texcoord.w ); }
vec4 tex2Dlod( sampler2D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler, texcoord.xy, texcoord.w ); }
vec4 tex3Dlod( sampler3D sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler,, texcoord.w ); }
vec4 texCUBElod( samplerCube sampler, vec4 texcoord ) { return textureLod( sampler,, texcoord.w ); }
float dot3 ( vec3 a, vec3 b ) { return dot( a, b ); }
float dot3 ( vec3 a, vec4 b ) { return dot( a, ); }
float dot3 ( vec4 a, vec3 b ) { return dot(, b ); }
float dot3 ( vec4 a, vec4 b ) { return dot(, ); }
float dot4 ( vec4 a, vec4 b ) { return dot( a, b ); }
float dot4 ( vec2 a, vec4 b ) { return dot( vec4( a, 0.0, 1.0 ), b ); }
vec4 h4tex2D ( sampler2D image, vec2 texcoord ) { return tex2D( image, texcoord ); }
float tex2Ddepth ( sampler2D image, vec2 texcoord ) { return tex2D( image, texcoord ).x; }
vec4 tex2DMSFetch ( sampler2DMS image, ivec2 texcoord, int sampleIndex ) { return texelFetch( image, texcoord, sampleIndex ); }
vec2 screenPosToTexcoord ( vec2 pos, vec4 bias_scale ) { return ( pos * + bias_scale.xy ); }
uniform vec4 _fa_ [21];
uniform sampler2DMS samp_viewdepthstencilmap;
uniform sampler2D samp_lightprojectmap;
uniform sampler2D samp_lightfalloffmap;
uniform sampler2DMS samp_viewnormalmapms;
uniform sampler2D samp_viewdepthmap;
uniform sampler2D samp_viewnormalmap;
uniform sampler2D samp_viewcolormap;
in vec4 gl_FragCoord;
out vec4 out_FragColor0;
void main() {
vec4 window;
window.xy = screenPosToTexcoord( gl_FragCoord.xy, _fa_[0 ] );
window.w = 1.0;
vec4 texcoord;
vec4 lpm = vec4( 0.0 );
vec4 lfm = vec4( 0.0 );
vec4 color = vec4( 0.0 ); if ( _fa_[1 ].x > 1.0 )
int numSamples = int( _fa_[1 ].x );
ivec2 viewTexCoordMS = ivec2( gl_FragCoord.xy );
for ( int sampleId = 0; sampleId < numSamples; sampleId++ ) {
window.z = tex2DMSFetch( samp_viewdepthstencilmap, viewTexCoordMS, sampleId ).x;
vec4 lpmSample = vec4( 0.0 );
vec4 lfmSample = vec4( 0.0 );
vec4 tc;
tc.x = dot4( window, _fa_[2 ] );
tc.y = dot4( window, _fa_[3 ] );
tc.z = dot4( window, _fa_[4 ] );
tc.w = dot4( window, _fa_[5 ] ); /= tc.w;
lpmSample = h4tex2D( samp_lightprojectmap, tc.xy );
lfmSample = h4tex2D( samp_lightfalloffmap, vec2( tc.z, 0.5 ) );
vec4 globalPosition;
globalPosition.x = dot4( window, _fa_[6 ] );
globalPosition.y = dot4( window, _fa_[7 ] );
globalPosition.z = dot4( window, _fa_[8 ] );
globalPosition.w = dot4( window, _fa_[9 ] ); /= globalPosition.w;
globalPosition.w = 1.0;
vec4 temp;
temp.x = dot4( globalPosition, _fa_[10 ] );
temp.y = dot4( globalPosition, _fa_[11 ] );
temp.z = dot4( globalPosition, _fa_[12 ] );
temp.w = dot4( globalPosition, _fa_[13 ] );
float scalehack = mix( 10.0, 1.0, saturate( 0.1 * 0.1 * dot3(, ) ) );
globalPosition.x = dot4( temp, _fa_[14 ] * vec4( scalehack, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) );
globalPosition.y = dot4( temp, _fa_[15 ] * vec4( 1.0, scalehack, 1.0, 1.0 ));
globalPosition.z = dot4( temp, _fa_[16 ] * vec4( 1.0, 1.0, scalehack, 1.0 ));
vec3 lightDir = _fa_[17 ].xyz -;
vec3 lightDirNormalized = normalize( lightDir );
vec3 viewNormal = tex2DMSFetch( samp_viewnormalmapms, viewTexCoordMS, sampleId ).xyz;
vec3 globalNormal = normalize( viewNormal * vec3( 2.0 ) - vec3( 1.0 ) );
float lightFactor = saturate( dot3( globalNormal, lightDirNormalized ) );
vec4 sampleLightColor = lpmSample * lfmSample * _fa_[18 ]; *= vec3( _fa_[19 ].x * lightFactor ); *= vec3( lightFactor );
color += sampleLightColor;
lpm += lpmSample;
lfm += lfmSample;
window.z = tex2DMSFetch( samp_viewdepthstencilmap, viewTexCoordMS, 0 ).x;
texcoord.x = dot4( window, _fa_[2 ] );
texcoord.y = dot4( window, _fa_[3 ] );
texcoord.z = dot4( window, _fa_[4 ] );
texcoord.w = dot4( window, _fa_[5 ] ); /= texcoord.w;
color *= vec4( 1.0 / _fa_[1 ].x );
lpm *= vec4( 1.0 / _fa_[1 ].x );
lfm *= vec4( 1.0 / _fa_[1 ].x );
vec2 viewTexCoord = screenPosToTexcoord( gl_FragCoord.xy, _fa_[20 ] );
window.z = tex2Ddepth( samp_viewdepthmap, viewTexCoord );
texcoord.x = dot4( window, _fa_[2 ] );
texcoord.y = dot4( window, _fa_[3 ] );
texcoord.z = dot4( window, _fa_[4 ] );
texcoord.w = dot4( window, _fa_[5 ] ); /= texcoord.w;
vec4 tc;
tc.x = dot4( window, _fa_[2 ] );
tc.y = dot4( window, _fa_[3 ] );
tc.z = dot4( window, _fa_[4 ] );
tc.w = dot4( window, _fa_[5 ] ); /= tc.w;
lpm = h4tex2D( samp_lightprojectmap, tc.xy );
lfm = h4tex2D( samp_lightfalloffmap, vec2( tc.z, 0.5 ) );
vec4 globalPosition;
globalPosition.x = dot4( window, _fa_[6 ] );
globalPosition.y = dot4( window, _fa_[7 ] );
globalPosition.z = dot4( window, _fa_[8 ] );
globalPosition.w = dot4( window, _fa_[9 ] ); /= globalPosition.w;
globalPosition.w = 1.0;
vec4 temp;
temp.x = dot4( globalPosition, _fa_[10 ] );
temp.y = dot4( globalPosition, _fa_[11 ] );
temp.z = dot4( globalPosition, _fa_[12 ] );
temp.w = dot4( globalPosition, _fa_[13 ] );
float scalehack = mix( 10.0, 1.0, saturate( 0.1 * 0.1 * dot3(, ) ) );
globalPosition.x = dot4( temp, _fa_[14 ] * vec4( scalehack, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) );
globalPosition.y = dot4( temp, _fa_[15 ] * vec4( 1.0, scalehack, 1.0, 1.0 ));
globalPosition.z = dot4( temp, _fa_[16 ] * vec4( 1.0, 1.0, scalehack, 1.0 ));
vec3 lightDir = _fa_[17 ].xyz -;
vec3 lightDirNormalized = normalize( lightDir );
vec3 viewNormal = tex2D( samp_viewnormalmap, viewTexCoord.xy ).xyz;
vec3 globalNormal = normalize( viewNormal * vec3( 2.0 ) - vec3( 1.0 ) );
float lightFactor = saturate( dot3( globalNormal, lightDirNormalized ) );
color = lpm * lfm * _fa_[18 ]; *= vec3( _fa_[19 ].x * lightFactor ); *= vec3( lightFactor );
vec3 viewcolor;
vec2 viewTexCoord = screenPosToTexcoord( gl_FragCoord.xy, _fa_[20 ] );
viewcolor = tex2Dlod( samp_viewcolormap, vec4( viewTexCoord.xy, 0.0, 0.0) ).xyz;
vec4 addcolor = lpm * lfm * _fa_[18 ]; *= vec3( _fa_[19 ].x ); = ( * * 6.0 ) + ( * max( vec3( 0.5 ), ) ); = saturate( * addcolor.w * 0.3 );
out_FragColor0.w = saturate( color.w * 1.0 );
When gl_nir_lower_samplers_as_deref
is run, it generates variable decls like so:
decl_var uniform INTERP_MODE_NONE sampler2DMS samp_viewdepthstencilmap (2, 0, 0)
decl_var uniform INTERP_MODE_NONE sampler2D samp_lightprojectmap (3, 1, 1)
decl_var uniform INTERP_MODE_NONE sampler2D samp_lightfalloffmap (4, 2, 2)
decl_var uniform INTERP_MODE_NONE sampler2DMS samp_viewnormalmapms (5, 3, 3)
decl_var uniform INTERP_MODE_NONE sampler2D samp_viewdepthmap (6, 4, 4)
decl_var uniform INTERP_MODE_NONE sampler2D samp_viewnormalmap (7, 5, 0)
decl_var uniform INTERP_MODE_NONE sampler2D samp_viewcolormap (8, 6, 6)
Note that the binding for samp_viewnormalmap
is 0, which is the same as samp_viewdepthstencilmap
. This seems to occur any time an unused sampler reaches this pass, and it results in a broken binding which causes drivers to clobber one sampler with another. Running this on zink with ZINK_DEBUG=shaderdb
, for example, generates invalid spirv.
I'm not entirely sure how this should be handled since it seems like there's a lot of machinery going into the binding-setting. My initial thought was to try setting unused sampler bindings to UINT_MAX, but this breaks a lot of other shaders.