zink: Texture flashes on UT99 with unofficial patch
System information
- OS: Arch Linux
- GPU: AMD Renoir (the iGPU in my Ryzen 5 4600H)
- Kernel version: 5.18.10-arch1-1
- Mesa version: 22.1.3
- Desktop manager and compositor: GDM/GNOME 42.2
Describe the issue
When I start a game of UT99 (Unreal Tournament 99) with the unofficial OldUnreal patch and the XOpenGLDrv (OpenGL 4) renderer, the weapon texture flashes and so do other characters' textures (the apitrace should show this)
The default OpenGL driver for my GPU (radeonsi) obviously works fine without the flashes
Log files as attachment
The backtrace/dmesg/journal doesn't return anything helpful, but the apitrace is interesting
I see 3 GL_INVALID_OPERATION errors while replaying the trace on both radeonsi and zink (so maybe this is the unofficial renderer bug like zmike mentioned?)
Here's the link to the (compressed) trace: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12YTrybTv6PQ8Ye0Q1TP9nMzDy2H-iAGs/view
Screenshots/video files (if applicable)
Any extra information would be greatly appreciated
i use SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland for Wayland support in SDL2 games (like this one thanks to the unofficial patch)