zink: vvl errors with spec@arb_tessellation_shader@execution@tcs-tes-max-in-out-patch-components
VUID-RuntimeSpirv-Location-06272(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -1553903733 - Validation Error: [ VUID-RuntimeSpirv-Location-06272 ] | MessageID = 0xa3614f8b | vkCreateShaderModule(): SPIR-V (Tessellation evaluation stage) input interface variable (Location = 31 | Component = 3 | Type = OpTypeInt 32 bits) along with 7 built-in components, exceeds component limit maxTessellationEvaluationInputComponents (128). The Vulkan spec states: The sum of Location and the number of locations the variable it decorates consumes must be less than or equal to the value for the matching Execution Model defined in Shader Input and Output Locations (https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.3-extensions/html/vkspec.html#VUID-RuntimeSpirv-Location-06272)
It currently passes on RADV because of luck but with ESO it will just crash.