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  • Lina Versace's avatar
    egl: Simplify queries for EGL_RENDER_BUFFER · f48f9a78
    Lina Versace authored
    There exist *two* queryable EGL_RENDER_BUFFER states in EGL:
    eglQuerySurface(EGL_RENDER_BUFFER) and
    These changes eliminate potentially very fragile code in the upcoming
    EGL_KHR_mutable_render_buffer implementation.
    * eglQuerySurface(EGL_RENDER_BUFFER)
      The implementation of eglQuerySurface(EGL_RENDER_BUFFER) contained
      abstruse logic which required comprehending the specification
      complexities of how the two EGL_RENDER_BUFFER states interact.  The
      function sometimes returned _EGLContext::WindowRenderBuffer, sometimes
      _EGLSurface::RenderBuffer. Why? The function tried to encode the
      actual logic from the EGL spec. When did the function return which
      variable? Go study the EGL spec, hope you understand it, then hope
      Mesa mutated the EGL_RENDER_BUFFER state in all the correct places.
      Have fun.
      To simplify eglQuerySurface(EGL_RENDER_BUFFER), and to improve
      confidence in its correctness, flatten its indirect logic. For pixmap
      and pbuffer surfaces, simply return a hard-coded literal value, as the
      spec suggests. For window surfaces, simply return
      _EGLSurface::RequestedRenderBuffer.  Nothing difficult here.
    * eglQueryContext(EGL_RENDER_BUFFER)
      The implementation of this suffered from the same issues as
      eglQuerySurface, and the solution is the same.  confidence in its
      correctness, flatten its indirect logic. For pixmap and pbuffer
      surfaces, simply return a hard-coded literal value, as the spec
      suggests. For window surfaces, simply return
    Reviewed-by: default avatarTapani Pälli <>