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  • Alejandro Piñeiro's avatar
    v3dv: properly handle two different binding points for cmd_buffers · a346e1de
    Alejandro Piñeiro authored
    From vkCmdBindPipeline spec:
      "pipelineBindPoint is a VkPipelineBindPoint value specifying to
       which bind point the pipeline is bound. Binding one does not disturb
       the others."
    But internally we were only handling one pipeline per command buffer,
    so binding a pipeline of one type would override an alredy bound
    pipeline of other type.
    Note that for push constants, in the same way that we were keeping one
    client array and one bo for the values, for all stages, independently
    of the stageFlags specified by vkCmdPushConstants, we are keeping the
    same idea here, so such client array and bo is still tied to the
    command buffer, and used by the two pipeline bind points. That makes
    far easier tracking the push constants. We could revisit in the future
    if we want a more fine grained tracking.
    Fixes the following crashes:
    v2 (from Iago review)
       * Move removal of v3dv_resource definition to a different commit.
       * Use the new v3dv_cmd_pipeline_state on the cmd buffer meta
         sub-struct, call it gfx for consistency
    Reviewed-by: default avatarIago Toral Quiroga <>
    Part-of: <!8613>