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  • Kenneth Graunke's avatar
    iris: Delete shader variants when deleting the API-facing shader · 128cbcd3
    Kenneth Graunke authored
    We were space-leaking iris_compiled_shader objects, leaving them around
    basically forever - long after the associated iris_uncompiled_shader was
    deleted.  Perhaps even more importantly, this left the BO containing the
    assembly referenced, meaning those were never reclaimed either.  For
    long running applications, this can leak quite a bit of memory.
    Now, when freeing iris_uncompiled_shader, we hunt down any associated
    iris_compiled_shader objects and pitch those (and their BO) as well.
    One issue is that the shader variants can still be bound, because we
    haven't done a draw that updates the compiled shaders yet.  This can
    cause issues because state changes want to look at the old program to
    know what to flag dirty.  It's a bit tricky to get right, so instead
    we defer variant deletion until the shaders are properly unbound, by
    stashing them on a "dead" list and tidying that each time we try and
    delete some shader variants.
    This ensures long running programs delete their shaders eventually.
    Fixes: ed4ffb97
     ("iris: rework program cache interface")
    Reviewed-by: default avatarMatt Turner <>
    Part-of: <!6075>