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  • Wim Taymans's avatar
    A rather large patch: · b38d9a94
    Wim Taymans authored
    Original commit message from CVS:
    A rather large patch:
    - changed the API for the padtemplates:
    - remove the factories (array of pointers) for the padtemplates,
    properties and caps. The static array was a nice idea but converting
    all the property values to a gpointer was not a good idea.
    float properties were not possible, and casting a gint to a pointer
    is not very portable. The new API just uses the _padtemplate_new,
    _caps_new and _props_new functions to create the templates.
    This has the added benefit that the API is now uniform for static
    and dynamic templates and that the code can be made cleaner.
    - lots of cleanups in the way the capabilities are constructed (va_list)
    - lots of updates for all the plugins (new API)
    - docs updates (new API)
    - removed the videoraw docs.