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  • Wim Taymans's avatar
    This is a megapatch with the following changes: · 51cbf226
    Wim Taymans authored
    Original commit message from CVS:
    This is a megapatch with the following changes:
    - moved the gchar *name to GstObject, removed the ones in GstElement and
    - moved the parent handling completely into GstObject. This cause *all* of
    the plugins to fail (except those that used gst_pad_get_parent)
    - rearanged the XML save handling.
    - GstObject now has a class function save/restore_thyself.
    - GstObject has a generic method gst_object_save_thyself, this makes it
    possible to fire a signal wehever a new object is loaded. This is needed
    so we can add XML save hooks.
    - GstXML API has changed slightly. You now have to create a GstXML object
    first before you can actually load something. This makes it possible to
    attach a signal to GstXML whenever an object is loaded. I'm not sure we
    will keep this interface.
    - GstObject can now print the path_string without knowing about the GstPad and
    GstElement types.
    - Added gst_bin_get_by_name_recurse_up to lookup an element...