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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    keep-alive: add nm_keep_alive_disarm() to silence notifications once we disconnect · 15033be1
    Thomas Haller authored
    The NMKeepAlive instance is useful to find out when we should disconnect.
    The moment when we start disconnecting, we don't care about it anymore.
    Add a nm_keep_alive_disarm() function to suppress property change events about
    the alive state, after that point. Emitting further events from that point
    on is only confusing.
    Yes, this means, a NMKeepAlive instance shall not be re-used for
    multiple purposes. Create a separate keep-alive instace for each target
    that should be guarded.
    Also, once disarmed, we can release all resources that the NMKeepAlive instance
    was holding until now.