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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    device: assume matching connections during first start · 27b2477c
    Thomas Haller authored
    Since commit 2d1b85f8 (th/assume-vs-unmanaged-bgo746440), we clearly
    distinguish between two modes when encountering devices with external
    IP configuration:
     a) external devices. For those devices we generate a volatile in-memory
       connection and pretend it's active. However, the device must not be
       touched by NetworkManager in any way.
     b) assume, seamless take over. Mostly for restart of NetworkManager,
       we activate a connection gracefully without going through an down-up
       cycle. After the device reaches activated state, the device is
       considered fully managed. For this only an existing, non volatile
       connection can be used.
    Before 'th/assume-vs-unmanaged-bgo746440', the behaviors were not
    clearly separated.
    Since then, we only choose to assume a connection (b) when the state
    file indicates a matching connection. Now, extend this to also assume
    connections when:
      - during first-start (not after a restart) when there is no
        state file yet.
      - and, if we have an existing, non volatile, connection which
        matches the device's configuration.
    This patch lets NetworkManager assume connection also on first start.
    That is for example useful when handing over network configuration from
    This only applies to existing, permanent, matching(!) connections, so it is a
    good guess that the user wants NM to take over this interface. This brings us
    closer to the previous behavior before 'th/assume-vs-unmanaged-bgo746440'.