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Number the fingers by slot in debug-gui

This should enable a better debugging of multitouch issues. Any number between 0 and 99, for a maximum of 100 fingers, should be displayed in a readable way.

This PR is meant to supersede !922 (closed) - even following efforts to improve the colors, it turned out that numbers are just so much better at conveying.. numbers, yeah. And they only take a few more lines of code. :)

There is a preexisting draw_text function further down below draw_evdev_abs, but I didn't want to use it, as it would actually misalign the text on the Y axis in my tests (some confirmation that it is not in effect misaligned with what may be different fonts would be welcome). As I also resize the font, it seems clearer to me to use the simple cairo API directly in this case, than to try to adapt the function.

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