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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other labels

  • Do not merge yet
    For MRs that should not be merged yet (does not actually prevent merging, just an extra flag to raise awareness that there were open issues or concerns to be addressed)
  • Splitmux
    For issues or MRs that relate to the splitmuxsrc and splitmuxsink elements
  • Introspection
    For issues or MRs that relate to gobject-introspection and g-i annotations
  • Race condition
    For issues or MRs that involve race conditions
  • Deadlock
    For issues or MRs that relate to locking issues that cause deadlocks
  • Vulkan
    For issues or MRs that relate to the Vulkan graphics API
  • Subtitles
    For issues or MRs that relate to subtitles (text and subpictures)
  • Orc
    For anything that's related to liborc
  • Controller
    For issues or MRs that relate to the GstController API
  • JPEG
    For issues or MRs that relate to the classic JPEG image codec including MJPEG
  • Merge Requests that were successfully backported to the stable 1.22 branch
  • Merge now
    Queue merge request for merging in the near future (for use by script that will automatically assign to Marge once the time has passed)
  • Merge in 4h
    Queue merge request for merging in the near future (for use by script that will automatically assign to Marge once the time has passed)
  • Merge in 8h
    Queue merge request for merging in the near future (for use by script that will automatically assign to Marge once the time has passed)
  • Merge in 12h
    Queue merge request for merging in the near future (for use by script that will automatically assign to Marge once the time has passed)
  • Merge in 24h
    Queue merge request for merging in the near future (for use by script that will automatically assign to Marge once the time has passed)
  • Merge in 2 days
    Queue merge request for merging in the near future (for use by script that will automatically assign to Marge once the time has passed)
  • Merge in 3 days
    Queue merge request for merging in the near future (for use by script that will automatically assign to Marge once the time has passed)
  • Merge in 5 days
    Queue merge request for merging in the near future (for use by script that will automatically assign to Marge once the time has passed)