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  • Nicolas Dufresne's avatar
    overrides: Add more GstValue overrides · a4566ffb
    Nicolas Dufresne authored
    This patch adds overrides to support IntRange, Int64Range, DoubleRange,
    FractionRange, Array and List. For integer ranges, it maps this
    to python 'range'. Gst.IntRange() and Gst.Int64Range() are simple cast
    to let the underlying code know which GType to use. To set such range in
    python you will do:
      structure["range"] = Gst.IntRange(range(0,10,2)))
    Same for the 64 bit variant. And when you do:
      r = structure.get_value("range")
    A range will be returned directly, without the wrapper. For DoubleRange
    and FractionRange, there is no native support in python. So the usage
    will be:
      structure["range"] = Gst.DoubleRange(0,10.0)
      structure["range"] =
          Gst.FractionRange(Gst.Fraction(1/30), Gst.Fraction(1/5)
    When getting this value, Gst.DoubleRange and Gst.FractionRange class are
    returned. They both have start/stop members. The naming was taken from
    range type.
    For Array and List, both uses the native list type, though they can be
    constructed from any python sequence. So again, the class is just like
    a cast, to let it pick the right GType and python list are being
      structure["list"] = Gst.ValueList([1,2,3,4])
      structure["array"] = Gst.ValueArray([1,2,3,4)
    Using string and tuple could also work. Since Gst.ValueList/Array are
    sequence, you can convert one to the other with:
      list = Gst.ValueList([1,2,3,4])
      array = Gst.ValueArray (list)