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vpxenc: Add new bit-per-pixel property to select a better "default" bitrate

As part of this also change the default bitrate value to 0. The default value was 256000 previously. In reality, if the property was not set the bitrate value would be scaled according to the resolution which is not very intuitive behavior. It is better to use 0 for this purpose. Now together with newly introduced property "bits-per-pixel" 0 means to assign the bitrate according to resolution/framerate.

The default bitrates are now

  • 1.2Mbps for VP8 720p@30fps
  • 0.8Mbps for VP9 720p@30fps and scaled accordingly for different resolutions/framerates.

Previously the default bitrate was also not scaled according to the framerate but only took the resolution into account.

This also fixes the side effect of setting bitrate to 0. Previously encoder would not produce any data at all.

Addition from Sebastian Dröge to assume 30fps if no framerate is given in the caps instead of not calculating any bitrate at all.

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