splitmuxsink: format-location and format-location-full callbacks sends wrong userdata
In the documentation at https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/multifile/splitmuxsink.html?gi-language=c#splitmuxsink::format-location these callbacks has next format:
gchararray format_location_callback (GstElement splitmux, guint fragment_id, gpointer udata)
gchararray format_location_full_callback (GstElement splitmux, guint fragment_id, GstSample first_sample, gpointer udata)
When I pass my data to the last parameter, I've got it wrong when I receive a callback. I've put logs at my application: just before: g_signal_connect (sink, "format-location-full", G_CALLBACK (format_location_full_callback), (gpointer)my_info);
I've got this output:
Setting format-location callback. my_info is 0x55837a6b4e60
But within callback I've got:
Format-location-full callback. my_info is 0x7f42f0306cd0
This result I've got at the latest GStreamer trunk. At 1.16 version I've got just NULL in this parameter.