pkgconfig values escape paths after meson generation port
a28a7565 switched the way pkgconfig files are generated to use the meson pkgconfig
This caused some of our .pc files to now include a slash to escape the whitespace. Meson escapes the paths
13:libraries=allocators\ app\ audio\ fft\ pbutils\ riff\ rtp\ rtsp\ sdp\ tag\ video\ gl
13:gl_platforms=egl\ glx
14:gl_winsys=wayland\ x11
15:gl_apis=gles2\ gl
Compared to how they are installed up to 1.18:
libraries=allocators app audio fft pbutils riff rtp rtsp sdp tag video gl
gl_platforms=egl glx
gl_winsys=wayland x11
gl_apis=gles2 gl
pkg-config returns the escaped path as is when called, which now causes issues with building gst-plugins-good. We are trying to match the exact strings, but now they have a \
appended so we fail to enable the GL plugins.
pkg-config gstreamer-gl-1.0 --variable gl_platforms
egl\ glx
-good building against the new .pc files
Message: GStreamer OpenGL window systems: wayland\ x11\ gbm
Message: GStreamer OpenGL platforms: egl\ glx
Message: GStreamer OpenGL apis: gles2\ gl
Run-time dependency gstreamer-gl-prototypes-1.0 found: YES
Run-time dependency zlib found: YES 1.2.11
-good building from gst-build
Message: GStreamer OpenGL window systems: wayland x11 gbm
Message: GStreamer OpenGL platforms: egl glx
Message: GStreamer OpenGL apis: gles2 gl
Dependency gstreamer-gl-prototypes-1.0 found: YES (overridden)
Dependency gstreamer-gl-x11-1.0 found: YES (overridden)
Dependency gstreamer-gl-wayland-1.0 found: YES (overridden)
Dependency gstreamer-gl-egl-1.0 found: YES (overridden)
Dependency zlib found: YES 1.2.11 (cached)
cc @xclaesse
cc @tpm I think this is a release blocker for 1.20