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  • U. Artie Eoff's avatar
    msdkmjpegdec: support 422 output · b756b13e
    U. Artie Eoff authored and Víctor Manuel Jáquez Leal's avatar Víctor Manuel Jáquez Leal committed
    MSDK supports JPEG YUY2 (422 chroma) output color
    format. The color format of input bitstream is
    described by JPEGChromaFormat and JPEGColorFormat
    fields in the mfxInfoMFX structure which is filled
    in by the MFXVideoDECODE_DecodeHeader function.
    To obtain lossless decoded output from 422 encoded
    JPEGs, we must set the output color format in the
    FourCC and ChromaFormat fields in the mfxFrameInfo
    structure to the appropriate values at post_configure
    so that they are propagated through to the srcpad
    caps accordingly.