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  • Víctor Manuel Jáquez Leal's avatar
    va: VA-API H.264 decoder and infrastructure · 79d11c20
    Víctor Manuel Jáquez Leal authored
    New plugin with an element for H.264 decoding with VA-API. This novel
    approach, different from gstreamer-vaapi, uses gstcodecs library for
    state handling.
    The code is expected to looks cleaner because it uses VA-API without
    further layers or wrappers.
    * It uses the first supported DRM device as default VA display (other
      displays will be supported through user's GstContext)
    * Requires libva >= 1.6
    * No multiview/stereo profiles neither interlaced streams because
      gstcodecs doesn't handle them yet
    * It is incompatible with gstreamer-vaapi
    * Even if memory:VAMemory is exposed, it is not handled yet by any
      other element
    * Caps templates are generated dynamically querying VAAPI, but YV12
      and I420 are added for system memory caps because they seem to be
      supported for all the drivers when downloading frames onto main
      memory, as they are used by xvimagesink and others, avoiding color
    * Surfaces aren't bounded to context, so they can grow beyond the DBP
      size, allowing smooth reverse playback.
    * There isn't yet error handling and recovery.
    * 10-bit H.264 streams aren't supported by libva.
    Part-of: <gstreamer/gst-plugins-bad!1379>