Looping feature for gnlobject
Submitted by Laszlo Pandy
Link to original bug (#370836)
Currently, making loops using gnonlin requires making many gnlsources and placing them one after another in the timeline. This is not optimal because the creation of many gnlsources will use more resources than necessary, and to move or change the source would require updating all the gnlsources. Gnlobject should handle looping by itself like so:
- Create a gnlfilesource and set media-start to 0, media-stop to 5.
- Set start to 0 and duration to 15.
- Now when playing, the section of the file frrm 0 to 5 seconds should be played 3 times.
In other words, when the gnlfilesource reaches media-stop (at 5 seconds), it should go back to media-start (0 seconds) and play the file again. This is repeated until duration is exceeded, at which point the gnlfilesource will be silent.