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fish: ignore SIGINT and set prompt correctly

Nirbheek Chauhan requested to merge nirbheek/gst-build:fish-fixes into master

Fixes #18 (moved)

commit 675cec1e:

gst-env: Ignore SIGINT when using the fish shell
After discussion with fish upstream it looks like it will take some
work to fix this issue.

In the meantime, this only happens when there's no command running in
the terminal, and in that case the shell just ignores it anyway. So
just do that in ``.


commit e13e6758:

gst-env: Set the prompt for fish to be same as bash

commit 245baadb:

gst-env: Fix shell name check
We should use `endswith`, not `in`. Else we'll match paths like:

`/home/arbash/.local/bin/fish` as a bash shell, not a fish shell.

Assigned to @meh because he's been investigating the fish SIGINT issue upstream. Mathieu, does this look like a decent workaround till the upstream bug is fixed?

Edited by Nirbheek Chauhan

Merge request reports