wavpack.recipe with version 5.4.3 for android arm is broken - suggested fix
There is a problem with wavpack 5.4.3 for android
Substituting wavpack 5.4.6 (44043e8ffe415548d5723e9f4fc6bda5e1f429189491c5fb3df08b8dcf28df72) and removing the move of the wavpack.h file in the install section of the wavpack.recipe file compiles cleanly (android arm target built on linux)
Note that in 5.4.6, the wavpack.h file already lives in the wavpack subfolder, making the directory creation and header file move unnecessary (it breaks the new build).
new install section:
async def install(self):
await super().install()
# no longer required for 5.4.6+
# CMake build system installs include/wavpack.h but we want
# include/wavpack/wavpack.h
#incdir = Path(self.config.prefix) / 'include'
#todir = incdir / 'wavpack'
#(incdir / 'wavpack.h').replace(todir / 'wavpack.h')
or simply:
async def install(self):
await super().install()