Cerbero / Meson looking for python3.exe on Windows
Win 10 x64 Python 3.8.1 Cerbero master
meson.build:1706:0: ERROR: <ExternalProgram 'python3' -> ['c:\\Users\\T\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps\\python3.EXE']> is not a valid python
A full log can be found at C:\GStreamer_Cerbero\cerbero\build\sources\msvc_x86_64\glib-2.56.1\_builddir\meson-logs\meson-log.txt
Recipe 'glib' failed at the build step 'configure'
Fatal Error: Running ['c:/GStreamer_Cerbero/cerbero/build/build-tools/bin/meson', '--prefix=c:/GStreamer_Cerbero/cerbero/build/dist/msvc_x86_64', '--libdir=lib', '--default-library=shared', '--buildtype=debugoptimized', '--backend=ninja', '--wrap-mode=nodownload', '--native-file', 'c:/GStreamer_Cerbero/cerbero/build/sources/msvc_x86_64/glib-2.56.1\\_builddir\\meson-native-file.txt', '-Dinternal_pcre=true', '-Dlibmount=false', '-Ddtrace=false', '-Dxattr=false', '-Diconv=native', '-Dgtk_doc=false'], returncode 1
Ignore the path above, that's Windows trying to promote the app store version of python. Python is installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Python38-32, and it's on the path.
Copying python.exe to python3.exe seems to solve the issue, but should Meson be looking for python3.exe in the first place? I'm writing "seems to solve" because this Cerbero build hasn't finished yet, but the error disappeared. Had and fixed the same error on another PC I used for gst-build with Meson only.