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  • Damian Kijańczuk's avatar
    Add spinner and error messages to data fetching · 87288de2
    Damian Kijańczuk authored and Arkadiusz Hiler's avatar Arkadiusz Hiler committed
    * Change -load to -spinner
    * Replace with ternary conditional
    * Replace return with throw error
    * Change error to no_response
    * Delete -webkit, slow spinner down
    * Changed how get_json() returns data
    * Added try catch to work with throw error
    * Catch in case of error doesn't terminate fetching other results,
      but keeps downloading
    * Spinner in queue and other parts of website
      had the same class name, which made it look weird.
      Changed queue specific class name to "queue-spinner"
    * Fixed indentation
    Signed-off-by: default avatarKijanczuk, Damian <>