proposed uprev MRs naming collision
Currently the ci-uprev
tool defines the merge request title as:
MR_TITLE = f'ci: Uprev {dep_name.title()} to the latest version'
And we add a prefix "Draft: " when the proposal contains an update of the expectations.
With this, we can have two uprev merge requests open at the same time.
Let's suppose our integrator is interested in the one that updates expectations. Due to any reason, but just to image one, let's say because it is newer than the one that didn't need to update expectations.
This integrator will not be able to mask it as ready
because those two merge requests will then collide with the same name. The integrator will then have to close the one without the prefix and mark as ready the one with expectations updated.
If the integrator doesn't merge before the next scheduled pipeline, there will be another collision because the gfx-uprev
user will not be able to create something. If it has a candidate without a need to update expectations, the source branch will be different. If it contains an expectations update, there will be a different MR already open with a different title.
So the proposed solution is to replace this prefix by a suffix.
Instead of append "Draft: " at the beginning, append " (expectations updated)" at the end.
Then for example in the uprev_mesa_in_virglrenderer
the two possible subjects will be:
'ci: Uprev mesa to the latest version'
'ci: Uprev mesa to the latest version (expectations updated)'