Support for GNGGA and GNRMC to be added for NMEA via ModemManager
With the advent of GNSS ( Global Navigation Satellite System), the traditional standard NMEA sentences have been redefined to take new talker IDs, reusing the existing sentence identifiers.
- GP for GPS only solutions
- GN for multi GNSS solutions
Example : GNGGA and GNRMC are now typically used by devices supporting Multi GNSS Constellation.
In the current architecture of Geoclue, if a ModemManager reports position over GNGGA sentence, it is being discarded ( accepts only GPGGA sentences). Hence ModemManager based devices supporting only GNGGA and GNRMC fails to report Location information to applications via Geoclue service.
The function "on_get_gps_nmea_ready" in gclue-modem-manager.c checks for only GPGGA sentences and not for both. therefore I would like to suggest to take up this enhancement to support all Kinds of NMEA sentences supported by standard.