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  • Marco Trevisan's avatar
    synaptics: Always report verify state early on non-match · 8893840f
    Marco Trevisan authored and Marco Trevisan's avatar Marco Trevisan committed
    In some cases we want to complete the verification after that the finger has
    been removed, but we still need to promptly report the match state otherwise
    fpi-device will complain about, and will eventually cause a match error
    instead that reporting a non-match:
      synaptics: Finger is now on the sensor
      synaptics: Received message with 0 sequence number 0x91, ignoring!
      synaptics: interrupt transfer done
      synaptics: delaying match failure until after finger removal!
      synaptics: interrupt transfer done
      device: Driver reported successful verify complete but did not report the
              result earlier. Reporting error instead
      libfprint: Failed to verify print: An unspecified error occured!
    Fixes #227