
    # project 5761 is freedesktop/ci-templates
    FDO_CBUILD: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/api/v4/projects/5761/packages/generic/cbuild/sha256-7aea22ea0594a0ddacf24c90e2d67cecc25a73853e5989f456162db19e6ab7ca/cbuild

  script: &pull-cbuild
  - echo $FDO_CBUILD
  - echo $CI_API_V4_URL
  - |
    if [[ "$FDO_CBUILD" =~ ^$CI_API_V4_URL ]]
      # the given URL is on the instance (gitlab.fd.o) API endpoint, use our token
      # so private projects can also retrieve cbuild in their namespace
      curl --header "JOB-TOKEN: $CI_JOB_TOKEN" \
           -L -o /app/cbuild \
      curl -L -o /app/cbuild $FDO_CBUILD
  - chmod +x /app/cbuild

  extends: .fdo.fedora
  stage: build
  - *pull-cbuild
  - /app/cbuild --debug build-container fedora $FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION $FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG
      - container-build-report.xml
      junit: container-build-report.xml

# Checks for a pre-existing fedora container image and builds it if
# it does not yet exist.
# If an image with the same version or suffix exists in the upstream project's registry,
# the image is copied into this project's registry.
# If no such image exists, the image is built and pushed to the local registry.
# **Example:**
# .. code-block:: yaml
#     my-fedora-image:
#       extends: .fdo.container-build@fedora
#       variables:
#          FDO_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGES: 'curl wget gcc valgrind'
#          FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: '2020-03-20'
# **Reserved by this template:**
# - ``image:`` do not override
# - ``script:`` do not override
# **Variables:**
#       **This variable is required**
#       The fedora version to build, e.g. '35', '34'
# .. attribute:: FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG
#       **This variable is required**
#       String to identify the image in the registry.
# .. attribute:: FDO_UPSTREAM_REPO
#       The GitLab project path to the upstream project
# .. attribute:: FDO_REPO_SUFFIX
#       The repository name suffix to use, see below.
#       Packages to install as a space-separated single string, e.g. "curl wget".
#       These packages must be available in the default distribution repositories; use
#       :attr:`FDO_DISTRIBUTION_EXEC` followed by the distribution-specific
#       command(s) to enable additional repositories and/or install additional
#       packages.
# .. attribute:: FDO_DISTRIBUTION_EXEC
#       An executable run after the installation of the :attr:`FDO_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGES`
#       The path to the binary that should be used as an entrypoint
#       The path that will be used as the default working directory (default: /app)
# .. attribute:: FDO_FORCE_REBUILD
#       If set, the image will be built even if it exists in the registry already
# .. attribute:: FDO_BASE_IMAGE
#       By default, the base image to start with is
#       ``fedora:$FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION``
#       and all dependencies are installed on top of that base image. If
#       ``FDO_BASE_IMAGE`` is given, it references a different base image to start with.
#       This image usually requires the full registry path, e.g.
#       ``registry.freedesktop.org/projectGroup/projectName/repo_suffix:tag-name``
# .. attribute:: FDO_EXPIRES_AFTER
#       If set, enables an expiration time on the image to
#       aid the garbage collector in deciding when an image can be removed. This
#       should be set for temporary images that are not intended to be kept
#       forever. Allowed values are e.g. ``1h`` (one hour), ``2d`` (two days) or
#       ``3w`` (three weeks).
# .. attribute:: FDO_CACHE_DIR
#       If set, the given directory is mounted as ``/cache``
#       when ``FDO_DISTRIBUTION_EXEC`` is run. This can allow for passing of
#       cache values between build jobs (if run on the same runner).  You should
#       not usually need to set this, it defaults to ``/cache`` from the host
#       and thus enables cache sharing by default.
# .. attribute:: FDO_USER
#       If set, the given unix username is used when running containers based on
#       this image instead of root. If the username is not created by the
#       :attr:`FDO_DISTRIBUTION_EXEC` script, it will be created automatically.
#       Note that $HOME will be set to ``/home/$FDO_USER``, if the user is
#       created manually by :attr:`FDO_DISTRIBUTION_EXEC` script it is important
#       to ensure that directory is created as well and writable by the user.
# The resulting image will be pushed to the local registry.
# If :attr:`FDO_REPO_SUFFIX` was specified, the image path is
# Use the ``.fdo.suffixed-image@fedora`` template to access or use this image.
# If :attr:`FDO_REPO_SUFFIX` was **not** specified, the image path is
# Use the ``.fdo.distribution-image@fedora`` template to access or use this image.
  extends: .fdo.container-build-common@fedora
  image: quay.io/freedesktop.org/ci-templates:container-build-base-2022-05-25.0

# Alias to ``.fdo.container-build@fedora``.
# This template is deprecated, no need to specify the architecture anymore.
  extends: .fdo.container-build@fedora

# Checks for a pre-existing fedora container image for the
# ``aarch64`` processor architecture and builds it if it does not yet exist.
# This template requires runners with the ``aarch64`` tag.
# See ``.fdo.container-build@fedora`` for details.
# This template is deprecated. It is best if users use the non architecture
# specific variant and define themselves the tags to chose the runner.
  extends: .fdo.container-build@fedora
    - aarch64

  extends: .fdo.fedora
  image: quay.io/freedesktop.org/ci-templates:qemu-build-base-2022-05-25.0
  stage: build
    - kvm
    FDO_CI_TEMPLATES_QEMU_BASE_IMAGE: quay.io/freedesktop.org/ci-templates:qemu-base-2022-05-25.0
    - *pull-cbuild
    - /app/cbuild --debug build-qemu fedora $FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION $FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG
      - container-build-report.xml
      junit: container-build-report.xml

# Checks for a pre-existing fedora container image usable on
# KVM-enabled runners and builds it if it does not yet exist.
# This template requires runners with the ``kvm`` tag.
# The final images provide an ``/app/vmctl`` helper to start and stop the VM
# and execute commands on the VM. The script installs the ``vm`` alias for SSH
# operations:
# **Example:**
# .. code-block:: yaml
#     my-fedora-test:
#       extends: .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
#       variables:
#          FDO_REPO_SUFFIX: 'some/path'
#          FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: '2020-03-20'
#       script:
#         - /app/vmctl start
#         # copy workdir to the vm
#         - |
#           scp -r $PWD vm:
#         - /app/vmctl exec meson builddir
#         # copy build results back to the container image
#         - scp vm:$CI_PROJECT_NAME/builddir .
#         - /app/vmctl stop
# See ``.fdo.container-build@fedora`` for details.
  extends: .fdo.qemu-build-common@fedora

# Alias to ``.fdo.qemu-build@fedora@x86_64``
# This template is deprecated, use ``.fdo.qemu-build@fedora@x86_64``
# instead
  extends: .fdo.qemu-build@fedora@x86_64

# fedora template that pulls the fedora image from the
# This template must be provided the same variable values as supplied in
# ``.fdo.container-build@fedora``.
# This template sets ``image:`` to the generated image. You may override this.
# **Example:**
# .. code-block:: yaml
#     my-fedora-test:
#       extends: .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
#       variables:
#          FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: '2020-03-20'
#       script:
#         - meson builddir
#         - ninja -C builddir test
# **Variables:**
#       **This variable is required**
#       The fedora version to build, e.g. '35', '34'
#       The value supplied must be the same as supplied in
#       ``.fdo.container-build@fedora``.
# .. attribute:: FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG
#       **This variable is required**
#       String to identify the image in the registry.
#       The value supplied must be the same as supplied in
#       ``.fdo.container-build@fedora``.
#       **This variable is set by this template and should be treated as read-only**
#       Path to the registry image
# .. attribute:: FDO_DISTRIBUTION_NAME
#       **This variable is set by this template and should be treated as read-only**
#       Set to the string "fedora"
# .. note:: If you used ``FDO_REPO_SUFFIX`` when building the container, use
#           ``.fdo.suffixed-image@fedora`` instead.
  extends: .fdo.fedora

# fedora template that pulls the fedora image from the
# registry based on ``FDO_REPO_SUFFIX``.
# This template must be provided the same variable values as supplied in
# ``.fdo.container-build@fedora``.
# This template sets ``image:`` to the generated image. You may override this.
# **Example:**
# .. code-block:: yaml
#     my-fedora-test:
#       extends: .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
#       variables:
#          FDO_REPO_SUFFIX: 'some/path'
#          FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: '2020-03-20'
#       script:
#         - meson builddir
#         - ninja -C builddir test
# **Variables:**
# .. attribute:: FDO_REPO_SUFFIX
#       **This variable is required**
#       The repository name suffix.
#       The value supplied must be the same as supplied in
#       ``.fdo.container-build@fedora``.
# .. attribute:: FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG
#       **This variable is required**
#       String to identify the image in the registry.
#       The value supplied must be the same as supplied in
#       ``.fdo.container-build@fedora``.
#       **This variable is set by this template and should be treated as read-only**
#       Path to the registry image
# .. attribute:: FDO_DISTRIBUTION_NAME
#       **This variable is set by this template and should be treated as read-only**
#       Set to the string "fedora"
# Variables provided by this template should be considered read-only.
# .. note:: If you did not use ``FDO_REPO_SUFFIX`` when building the container, use
#           ``.fdo.distribution-image@fedora`` instead.
  extends: .fdo.fedora