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xdg / xdg-utils
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Root DRM kernel tree, forked to get dynamic-debug classmap fixes on top. branch: dd-fix-9next - with dynamic-debug classmap fixes
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Vladimir-csp / app2unit
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
wayland / wayland-protocols
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Mike Lothian / linux
OtherUpdated -
libfprint / libfprint
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyLibrary for fingerprint readers
For unsupported devices, please see/edit https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libfprint/wiki/-/wikis/Unsupported%20Devices
Do not open issues for unsupported devices that are already listed in the wiki page. For other devices, please simply add them to the wiki rather than opening a bug report here. Opening an issue to ask for a driver will not have any effect other than taking time from developers who need to close the issue again.
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drm-misc repo. For now only for issues.
committer docs: https://drm.pages.freedesktop.org/maintainer-tools/committer-drm-misc.html
drm-misc docs: https://drm.pages.freedesktop.org/maintainer-tools/drm-misc.html
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Xelef2000 / libfprint
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyLibrary for fingerprint readers
For unsupported devices, please see/edit https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libfprint/wiki/-/wikis/Unsupported%20Devices
Do not open issues for unsupported devices that are already listed in the wiki page. For other devices, please simply add them to the wiki rather than opening a bug report here. Opening an issue to ask for a driver will not have any effect other than taking time from developers who need to close the issue again.
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Mobile broadband connectivity / ModemManager
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyCellular modem control and connectivity
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GStreamer / gst-editing-services
GNU Library General Public License v2 onlyARCHIVED REPOSITORY: GStreamer Editing Services Library
This code has been moved to the GStreamer mono repo, please submit new issues and merge requests there!