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Files and script for CI infrastructure
Please submit new issues and merge requests against the GStreamer mono repo!
Archived 8Updated -
Martin Roukala / boot2container
MIT LicenseWARNING: This is repo was moved to https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gfx-ci/boot2container, and this one is kept for backwards compatibility.
A tiny initramfs that sets your machine up, and runs one or more containers specified in the kernel command line. Optional features: caching the container images, NTP, overriding the shutdown command after the execution is over.
Archived 6Updated -
gfx-ci / tracie / tracie_dashboard
MIT LicenseArchived 3Updated -
Martin Roukala / PDU Gateway
MIT LicenseArchived 1Updated -
A Machine Registration Service, to automate as much as possible adding new machines to a CI system and enable decentralized CI infrastructures running using the exact same code.
Archived 0Updated -