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  • Erico Nunes's avatar
    lima/ppir: implement full liveness analysis for regalloc · 9bf210ba
    Erico Nunes authored
    The existing liveness analysis in ppir still ultimately relies on a
    single continuous live_in and live_out range per register and was
    observed to be the bottleneck for register allocation on complicated
    examples with several control flow blocks.
    The use of live_in and live_out ranges was fine before ppir got control
    flow, but now it ends up creating unnecessary interferences as live_in
    and live_out ranges may span across entire blocks after blocks get
    placed sequentially.
    This new liveness analysis implementation generates a set of live
    variables at each program point; before and after each instruction and
    beginning and end of each block.
    This is a global analysis and propagates the sets of live registers
    across blocks independently of their sequence.
    The resulting sets optimally represent all variables that cannot share a
    register at each program point, so can be directly translated as
    interferences to the register allocator.
    Special care has to be taken with non-ssa registers. In order to
    properly define their live range, their alive components also need to be
    tracked. Therefore ppir can't use simple bitsets to keep track of live
    The algorithm uses an auxiliary set data structure to keep track of the
    live registers. The initial implementation used only trivial arrays,
    however regalloc execution time was then prohibitive (>1minute on
    Cortex-A53) on extreme benchmarks with hundreds of instructions,
    hundreds of registers and several spilling iterations, mostly due to the
    n^2 complexity to generate the interferences from the live sets. Since
    the live registers set are only a very sparse subset of all registers at
    each instruction, iterating only over this subset allows it to run very
    fast again (a couple of seconds for the same benchmark).
    Signed-off-by: default avatarErico Nunes <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarVasily Khoruzhick <>
    Tested-by: Marge Bot <mesa!3358>
    Part-of: <mesa!3358>