#!/bin/bash # # dim - drm inglorious maintainer script # # Copyright © 2012-2018 Intel Corporation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Authors: # Daniel Vetter <daniel.vetter@ffwll.ch> # Jani Nikula <jani.nikula@intel.com> # fail on any goof-up set -e # # User configuration. Global DIM_ prefixed uppercase variables. Set in # environment or configuration file. See dimrc.sample for an example. # # dim configuration file DIM_CONFIG=${DIM_CONFIG:-$HOME/.dimrc} if [ -r $DIM_CONFIG ]; then # shellcheck source=/dev/null . $DIM_CONFIG fi # prefix for repo directories DIM_PREFIX=${DIM_PREFIX:-$HOME/linux} # main maintainer repo under $DIM_PREFIX DIM_REPO=${DIM_REPO:-${DIM_DRM_INTEL:-src}} # mail user agent. must support a subset of mutt(1) command line options: # usage: $DIM_MUA [-s subject] [-i file] [-c cc-addr] to-addr [...] DIM_MUA=${DIM_MUA:-mutt} # make options (not used for C=1) DIM_MAKE_OPTIONS=${DIM_MAKE_OPTIONS:--j20} # command to run after dim apply DIM_POST_APPLY_ACTION=${DIM_POST_APPLY_ACTION:-} # greetings pull request template DIM_TEMPLATE_HELLO=${DIM_TEMPLATE_HELLO:-$HOME/.dim.template.hello} # signature pull request template DIM_TEMPLATE_SIGNATURE=${DIM_TEMPLATE_SIGNATURE:-$HOME/.dim.template.signature} # GPG key id for signing tags. If unset, don't sign. DIM_GPG_KEYID=${DIM_GPG_KEYID:+-u $DIM_GPG_KEYID} # # Internal configuration. Global dim_ prefixed variables. # dim=$(basename $0) dim_today=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) dim_timestamp="$(date --utc +%Yy-%mm-%dd-%Hh-%Mm-%Ss) UTC" dim_python=$(command -v python || command -v python3) dim_fdo_cookie="--push-option fdo.pushedWithDim=this-was-pushed-with-dim-and-not-manually" maintainer_tools_https=https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/maintainer-tools.git # Recipients for all dim based pull requests. # Add To: lines to the end, Cc: lines in the beginning with -c. dim_pull_request_recipients=( -c "Jani Nikula <jani.nikula@linux.intel.com>" -c "Joonas Lahtinen <joonas.lahtinen@linux.intel.com>" -c "Rodrigo Vivi <rodrigo.vivi@intel.com>" -c "Sean Paul <sean@poorly.run>" -c "Maarten Lankhorst <maarten.lankhorst@linux.intel.com>" -c "Maxime Ripard <mripard@kernel.org>" -c "dri-devel@lists.freedesktop.org" -c "intel-gfx@lists.freedesktop.org" -c "dim-tools@lists.freedesktop.org" "Dave Airlie <airlied@gmail.com>" "Daniel Vetter <daniel.vetter@ffwll.ch>" ) # integration configuration dim_integration_config=nightly.conf dim_extract_tags_marker="# *** extracted tags ***" # # Only function and alias definitions until the command line argument parsing # and subcommand handling at the end. # function read_integration_config { # clear everything first to allow configuration reload unset drm_tip_repos drm_tip_config declare -g -A drm_tip_repos declare -g -a drm_tip_config if [ -r $DIM_PREFIX/drm-rerere/$dim_integration_config ]; then # shellcheck source=/dev/null source $DIM_PREFIX/drm-rerere/$dim_integration_config if [[ "${#drm_tip_repos[@]}" = "0" ]] || [[ "${#drm_tip_config[@]}" = "0" ]]; then echoerr "$dim_integration_config not set up correctly, please fix manually" exit 1 fi else echoerr "$dim_integration_config is missing, please check your configuration and/or run dim setup" exit 1 fi dim_branches= for conf in "${drm_tip_config[@]}"; do local repo branch override read -r repo branch override <<< $conf if [[ "$repo" = "drm-intel" || "$repo" = "drm-misc" ]]; then dim_branches="$dim_branches $branch" fi done } function echoerr { echo "$dim: $*" >&2 } function warn_or_fail { if [[ $FORCE ]] ; then echoerr "WARNING: $1, but continuing" elif [[ $DRY ]] ; then echoerr "WARNING: $1, but continuing dry-run" else echoerr "ERROR: $1, aborting" exit 1 fi } function pause { read -rsp "Press any key to continue..." -n1 key2 echo } function ask_user { local prompt="$* (y/N) " read -n 1 -rsp "$prompt" echo if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # # Variable naming convetion: # # repo: # symbolic git repository name from $dim_integration_config # remote: # local remote name in the git repository for the current path # branch: # git branch name - dim assumes that the remote and local name match # url: # url to a repo, using ssh:// protocol # git_url: # url to a repo, but using anonymous git:// protocol # # The below functions map between these. # function url_to_remote # url [url ...] { local url remote if [[ "$#" = "0" ]]; then echoerr "url_to_remote without URLs" return 1 fi for url; do remote=$(git remote -v | grep -m 1 "$url/\? (" | cut -f 1) if [[ -n "$remote" ]]; then echo "$remote" return 0 fi done echoerr "No git remote for any of the URLs $* found in $(pwd)" url=$1 remote=${url%.git} remote=${remote##*/} read -r -i "$remote" -e -p "Enter a name to auto-add this remote, leave blank to abort: " remote if [[ -z "$remote" ]]; then echoerr "Please set it up yourself using:" echoerr " $ git remote add <name> $url" echoerr "with a name of your choice." return 1 fi git remote add $remote $url echo $remote return 0 } function pick_protocol_url # (git|ssh|https|whatever) url [url ...] { local url protocol protocol_url if [[ "$#" -lt "2" ]]; then echoerr "pick_protocol_url without protocol or URLs" return 1 fi protocol=$1 shift # Find the URL that has given protocol for url; do case $url in ${protocol}://*) protocol_url=$url break ;; esac done if [[ -z "$protocol_url" ]]; then echoerr "No $protocol URL in any of the URLs: $*" return 1 fi echo $protocol_url } function branch_to_remote # branch { local branch remote repo branch=$1 repo=$(branch_to_repo $branch) if [[ -z "$repo" ]] ; then # fallback for special branches like rerere-cache remote=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name "$branch@{upstream}") remote=${remote%%/*} else remote=$(repo_to_remote $repo) fi echo $remote } function repo_to_remote # repo { local repo url_list repo=$1 url_list=${drm_tip_repos[$repo]} if [[ -z "$url_list" ]]; then echoerr "unknown repo $repo" return 1 fi url_to_remote $url_list } function branch_to_repo # branch { for conf in "${drm_tip_config[@]}"; do local repo branch override read -r repo branch override <<< $conf if [[ "$branch" == "$1" ]] ; then echo $repo fi done echo "" } function dim_version { echo "1" } function dim_uptodate { local using using="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" if [[ ! -e "$using" ]]; then echoerr "could not figure out the version being used ($using)." return 1 fi if [[ ! -e "$DIM_PREFIX/maintainer-tools/.git" ]]; then echoerr "could not find the upstream repo for $dim." return 1 fi git --git-dir=$DIM_PREFIX/maintainer-tools/.git fetch -q if ! git --git-dir=$DIM_PREFIX/maintainer-tools/.git show "@{upstream}:dim" |\ diff "$using" - >& /dev/null; then echoerr "not running upstream version of the script." return 1 fi } function git_fetch_helper # remote { local remote remote=$1 if ! git fetch --prune -q $remote ; then # old git versions returned 128 if there was nothing to fetch if [[ $? -ne "128" ]] ; then echoerr "Failed to fetch $remote" return 1 fi fi } function git_current_branch { git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD } function git_is_current_branch # branch { test "$(git_current_branch)" = "$1" } function git_branch_exists # branch { if [[ "$(git branch --list $1)" == "" ]] ; then false else true fi } # $1: branch # $2: upstream function git_unmerged_tags { local branch upstream branch=$1 upstream=$2 # assume branch based tag names, ensure space separated list git log --decorate --pretty=%D "$branch@{upstream}" ^$upstream |\ grep -o "tag: $branch-[0-9-]\+" |\ sed -e "s/^tag: //" |\ tr "\n" " " } function git_committer_email { if ! committer_email=$(git config --get user.email) ; then committer_email=${EMAIL-} fi echo $committer_email } function git_push { git push $dim_fdo_cookie $DRY_RUN "$@" } function check_for_updates { local stamp stampfile stampfile=$HOME/.dim-update-check-timestamp # daily check for updates based on file timestamp stamp=$(stat --printf=%Y $stampfile 2>/dev/null || echo -n 0) if [[ $((stamp + 24*60*60)) -lt $(date +%s) ]]; then dim_uptodate || true touch $stampfile fi } function check_git_version { local min_version="git version 2.8" if ! echo -e "$min_version\n$(git version)" | sort -VC; then echoerr "WARNING: recommended minimum $min_version, you have $(git version)" fi } function check_dim_version { if [[ -n "$DIM_MIN_VERSION" ]] && [[ "$(dim_version)" < "$DIM_MIN_VERSION" ]]; then echoerr "ERROR: required minimum dim version $DIM_MIN_VERSION, you have $(dim_version)" exit 1 fi } function check_dim_config { if [[ "$DIM_REPO" == "drm-tip" || "$DIM_REPO" == "drm-rerere" || "$DIM_REPO" == "maintainer-tools" ]]; then echoerr "WARNING: setting $DIM_REPO for DIM_REPO not allowed" exit 1 fi } # get message id from file # $1 = file message_get_id () { $dim_python <<EOF import email f = open('$1', 'rb') msg = email.message_from_binary_file(f) message_id = msg['message-id'] if message_id is not None: print(message_id.strip('<> \n')) EOF } message_print_body () { $dim_python <<EOF import email def print_msg(file): msg = email.message_from_binary_file(file) for part in msg.walk(): if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain': print(part.get_payload(decode=True).decode(part.get_content_charset(failobj='us-ascii'), 'replace')) print_msg(open('$1', 'rb')) EOF } # append all arguments as tags at the end of the commit message of HEAD function dim_commit_add_tag { for arg; do # the first sed deletes all trailing blank lines at the end git log -1 --pretty=%B | \ sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;ba' -e '}' | \ sed "\$a${arg}" | \ git commit --amend -F- done } # $1: branch [optional] function git_find_tip { git log $1 -1 --format=%H --grep="^drm-tip: .* integration manifest$" } # $1: branch [optional] function dim_retip { local branch upstream new_upstream branch="$1" if [ -n "$branch" ] ; then shift else branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD) fi if repo_to_remote drm-tip &> /dev/null ; then new_upstream=$(repo_to_remote drm-tip)/drm-tip else new_upstream=$(git branch -r | grep '\/drm-tip$') fi upstream=$(git_find_tip "$branch") if [[ -z "$upstream" ]]; then echoerr "$branch is not based on drm-tip" return 1 fi git rebase --onto $new_upstream $upstream $branch "$@" } function dim_range_diff { local branch branch=${1:-@\{1\}} if [[ $(git rev-parse $branch | wc -l) -eq 1 ]] ; then if [[ $(git rev-parse $branch) == "$branch" ]] ; then branch="@{1}" else shift || true fi git range-diff $branch...HEAD "$@" else git range-diff "$@" fi } # update for-linux-next and for-linux-next-fixes branches function update_linux_next # branch next next-fixes fixes { local branch linux_next linux_next_fixes linux_fixes repo remote cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-tip branch=$1 linux_next=$2 linux_next_fixes=$3 linux_fixes=$4 repo=$(branch_to_repo $branch) if [[ $repo != $(branch_to_repo $linux_next) ]] ; then return fi remote=$(repo_to_remote $repo) git_fetch_helper $remote # always update drm-intel-fixes echo -n "Pushing $linux_fixes to for-linux-next-fixes... " git_push $remote +$remote/$linux_fixes:for-linux-next-fixes echo "Done." if git merge-base --is-ancestor $remote/$linux_next_fixes $remote/$linux_fixes ; then # -fixes has caught up to dinf, i.e. we're out of the merge # window. Push the next queue. echo -n "Out of merge window. Pushing $linux_next to for-linux-next... " git_push $remote +$remote/$linux_next:for-linux-next echo "Done." else # dinf is ahead of -fixes, i.e. drm-next has already closed for # the next merge window and we've started to gather new fixes # for the current -next cycle. Push dinf echo -n "Pushing $linux_next_fixes to for-linux-next... " git_push $remote +$remote/$linux_next_fixes:for-linux-next echo "Done." fi } function check_conflicts # tree { if git diff | grep -q '\(<<<<<<<\|=======\|>>>>>>>\||||||||\)' ; then # we need an empty line to make it look pretty echoerr "" echoerr "FAILURE: Could not merge $1" return 1 fi true } function git_dir { git -C ${1:-$PWD} rev-parse --absolute-git-dir } function pull_rerere_cache { cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-rerere/ if ! git_is_current_branch rerere-cache; then echo "Fail: Branch setup for the rerere-cache is borked." exit 1 fi if ! git pull -q ; then # We raced with someone else hitting the same conflict, or the # erratic git gc for rr-cache entries nuke a few entries we # still want to keep. Clean up and try, but only when the # initial pull fails since otherwise there's no way to keep new # resolutions around. echo "Conflict in the rr-cache, cleaning up" git clean -fdx rr-cache/ git checkout -f ':(glob)rr-cache/**' if ! git pull -q ; then echoerr "Failed to update the rerere cache." echoerr "Please manually run" echoerr " $ cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-rerere ; git pull" echoerr "and fixup any issues." return 1 fi fi cd - > /dev/null } function update_rerere_cache { local rr_cache_dir echo -n "Updating rerere cache... " pull_rerere_cache cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-tip/ rr_cache_dir=$(git rev-parse --git-common-dir)/rr-cache if [ ! -L $rr_cache_dir ] ; then if [ -d $rr_cache_dir ] ; then rm -Rf $rr_cache_dir fi ln -s "$DIM_PREFIX/drm-rerere/rr-cache" $rr_cache_dir fi cd ~- echo "Done." } function commit_rerere_cache { local remote file commit_message echo -n "Finalizing rerere cache... " cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-rerere/ remote=$(branch_to_remote rerere-cache) pull_rerere_cache git add ./*.patch >& /dev/null || true git add fixups/*.patch >& /dev/null || true for file in $(git ls-files -- rr-cache); do if ! git log --since="60 days ago" --name-only -- $file | grep $file &> /dev/null; then git rm $file &> /dev/null || true fi done find rr-cache/ -mtime -1 -type f -not -name "thisimage*" -print0 | xargs -0 git add > /dev/null || true git rm rr-cache/rr-cache &> /dev/null || true commit_message=$(mktemp) cat > $commit_message <<-EOF $dim_timestamp: $integration_branch rerere cache update $(git --version) EOF if git commit -F $commit_message >& /dev/null; then echo -n "New commit. " else echo -n "Nothing changed. " fi rm $commit_message echo -n "Pushing rerere cache... " git_push $remote HEAD >& /dev/null && echo "Done." } function fetch_all { for repo in "${!drm_tip_repos[@]}"; do remote=$(repo_to_remote $repo) if [[ "$repo" = "$remote" ]]; then echo -n "Fetching $repo... " else echo -n "Fetching $repo (local remote $remote)... " fi git_fetch_helper $remote echo "Done." done } function find_fixup_file # repo branch { local file_paths repo branch rerere repo=$1 branch=$2 rerere=$DIM_PREFIX/drm-rerere file_paths="$rerere/${repo}-${branch//\//-}-fixup.patch $rerere/fixups/${branch//\//-}.patch" for file_path in $file_paths; do [ -f "$file_path" ] && break done echo "$file_path" } function dim_rebuild_tip { local integration_branch specfile first rerere repo remote integration_branch=drm-tip specfile=$(mktemp) first=1 rerere=$DIM_PREFIX/drm-rerere cd $rerere if git status --porcelain | grep -v "^.. rr-cache" | grep -q -v "^[ ?][ ?]"; then warn_or_fail "integration configuration file $dim_integration_config not committed" fi update_rerere_cache echo -n "Reloading $dim_integration_config... " read_integration_config echo "Done." cd $DIM_PREFIX/$integration_branch if ! git_is_current_branch $integration_branch ; then echo "Branch setup for the integration repo is borked" exit 1 fi # rerere uses sha1 of the diff to identify conflicts, we must ensure # that they look the same for everyone git config merge.conflictstyle merge fetch_all # merge -fixes for conf in "${drm_tip_config[@]}"; do local branch override sha1 fixup_file read -r repo branch override <<< $conf remote=$(repo_to_remote $repo) sha1=$remote/$branch if [[ "$repo" = "$remote" ]]; then echo -n "Merging $repo/$branch... " else echo -n "Merging $repo/$branch (local remote $remote)... " fi if [[ -n "$override" ]]; then sha1=$override echo -n "Using override sha1: $sha1... " fi if [ $first == 1 ] ; then git reset --hard $sha1 &> /dev/null echo "Reset. Done." first=0 elif git merge --rerere-autoupdate --ff-only $sha1 >& /dev/null ; then # nothing to do if just fast-forward echo "Fast-forward. Done." true else fixup_file=$(find_fixup_file $repo $branch) echo $branch > .fixup_branch git merge --rerere-autoupdate --no-commit $sha1 >& /dev/null || true # normalize conflict markers if git grep -l '^>>>>>>> ' &> /dev/null ; then git grep -l '^>>>>>>> ' | xargs sed -e "s|^>>>>>>> .*$|>>>>>>> $repo\/$branch|" -i fi if [ -f $fixup_file ] ; then echo -n "Applying manual fixup patch for $integration_branch merge... " patch -p1 -i $fixup_file fi if ! check_conflicts "$repo/$branch" ; then echoerr "See the section \"Resolving Conflicts when Rebuilding drm-tip\"" echoerr "in the drm-tip.rst documentation for how to handle this situation." return 1 fi git add -u # because we filter out fast-forward merges there will # always be something to commit git commit --no-edit --quiet --no-verify echo "Done." fi echo -e "$repo $branch $(git rev-parse $sha1)\n\t$(git log -1 $sha1 --pretty=format:%s)" >> $specfile $INTERACTIVE done echo -n "Adding integration manifest $integration_branch: $dim_timestamp... " mv $specfile integration-manifest git add integration-manifest git commit --quiet -m "$integration_branch: $dim_timestamp integration manifest" echo "Done." remote=$(repo_to_remote drm-tip) echo -n "Pushing $integration_branch... " git_push $remote +HEAD >& /dev/null && echo "Done." commit_rerere_cache } function checkpatch_fixes_tag { local sha1 fixes_lines cite rv fline sha1=$1 rv=0 fixes_lines=$(git log -1 --format='%B' "$sha1" | grep -i '^[[:space:]]*Fixes:') cite=$(dim_cite $sha1) echo "$fixes_lines" | ( local rv; rv=0 ; while read -r fline; do local fixes_sha1 fixes_subject orig_subject if [[ -z "$fline" ]] ; then continue fi [[ "$fline" =~ ^[[:space:]]*[Ff][Ii][Xx][Ee][Ss]:[[:space:]]*(.*)$ ]] fline="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" if [[ ! "$fline" =~ ^[[:space:]]*([[:xdigit:]]{5,})[[:space:]]*(.*)$ ]]; then echoerr "$cite: Malformed fixes line:" echoerr " $fline" rv=1 continue fi fixes_sha1="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" fixes_subject="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" if ! git rev-parse --verify -q $fixes_sha1 > /dev/null ; then echoerr "$cite: SHA1 in fixes line not found:" echoerr " $fline" rv=1 continue fi if ! git merge-base --is-ancestor $fixes_sha1 $sha1 ; then echoerr "$cite: Fixes: SHA1 in not pointing at an ancestor:" echoerr " $fline" rv=1 continue fi if ! echo $fixes_sha1 | grep -q '[[:xdigit:]]\{12\}' ; then echoerr "$cite: Fixes: SHA1 needs at least 12 digits:" echoerr " $fline" rv=1 continue fi orig_subject=$(git show -s $fixes_sha1 --format="format:%s") if [[ "$fixes_subject" != "(\"$orig_subject\")" ]] ; then echoerr "$cite: Subject in fixes line doesn't match referenced commit:" echoerr " $fline" rv=1 continue fi done ; exit $rv ) rv=$? return $rv } # additional patch checks before pushing, e.g. for r-b tags function checkpatch_commit_push { local sha1 managed_branch rv author committer author_outlook cite sha1=$1 managed_branch=$2 rv=0 cite=$(dim_cite $sha1) # use real names for people with many different email addresses author=$(git show -s $sha1 --format="format:%an") committer=$(git show -s $sha1 --format="format:%cn") # outlook mangles mails into "Last, First" author_outlook=$(git show -s $sha1 --format="format:%an" | sed -e 's/\([^ ]*\) \(.*\)/\2, \1/') author_translit=$(echo $author | iconv -t ASCII//TRANSLIT) # check for fd.o mailman From: mangling if git show -s $sha1 --format="format:%ae %ce"| grep -q '@lists\.freedesktop\.org' ; then echoerr "$cite: mailman wrangled email address detected." rv=1 fi # check for author sign-off if ! git show -s $sha1 | grep -qi "Signed-off-by:.*\\($author\\|$author_outlook\\|$author_translit\\)" ; then echoerr "$cite: author Signed-off-by missing." rv=1 fi # check for committer sign-off if ! git show -s $sha1 | grep -qi "Signed-off-by:.*$committer" ; then echoerr "$cite: committer Signed-off-by missing." rv=1 fi # check for Link tag if [[ "$managed_branch" = "1" ]] && ! git show -s $sha1 | grep -qi 'Link:' ; then echoerr "$cite: Link tag missing." rv=1 fi # check for a-b/r-b tag if ! git show -s $sha1 | grep -qi '\(reviewed\|acked\)\S*-by:' && \ ! [[ "$committer" != "$author" ]]; then echoerr "$cite: mandatory review missing." rv=1 fi # check for leftover dim extract-tags marker if git show -s $sha1 | grep -qF "$dim_extract_tags_marker" ; then echoerr "$cite: leftover dim extract-tags marker." rv=1 fi if ! checkpatch_fixes_tag $sha1 ; then rv=1 fi return $rv } function checkmerge_commit_push { local sha1 managed_branch rv body_text cite sha1=$1 managed_branch=${2} rv=0 cite=$(dim_cite $sha1) body_text="$(git show $sha1 -s --format="format:%b" | grep -v "^$" | grep -v "^\S*:")" if [[ -z "$body_text" ]] ; then echoerr "$cite: merge commit justification missing." rv=1 fi return $rv } function checkpatch_commit_push_range { local rv managed_branch managed_branch=$1 shift rv=0 for sha1 in $(git rev-list "$@" --no-merges) ; do checkpatch_commit_push $sha1 $managed_branch || rv=1 done for sha1 in $(git rev-list "$@" --merges) ; do checkmerge_commit_push $sha1 $managed_branch || rv=1 done if [ $rv == "1" ] ; then warn_or_fail "issues in commits detected" fi } # push branch $1, rebuild drm-tip. the rest of the arguments are passed to git # push. function dim_push_branch { local branch remote committer_email count branch=${1:?$usage} shift assert_branch $branch remote=$(branch_to_remote $branch) committer_email=$(git_committer_email) checkpatch_commit_push_range 1 "$branch@{u}..$branch" --first-parent --committer="$committer_email" # Apart from maintainers pushing merges or rebases, most patches should # be pushed in small batches. count=$(git rev-list --count --first-parent "$branch@{u}..$branch") if [[ $count -gt 10 ]]; then if ! ask_user "Pushing $count commits. Are you sure?"; then echoerr "NOTE: Branch not pushed." return 1 fi fi git_push $remote $branch "$@" update_linux_next $branch drm-intel-next drm-intel-next-fixes drm-intel-fixes update_linux_next $branch drm-misc-next drm-misc-next-fixes drm-misc-fixes update_linux_next $branch drm-amd-next drm-amd-next-fixes drm-amd-fixes dim_rebuild_tip } dim_alias_pq=push-queued function dim_push_queued { dim_push_branch drm-intel-next "$@" } dim_alias_pnf=push-next-fixes function dim_push_next_fixes { dim_push_branch drm-intel-next-fixes "$@" } dim_alias_pf=push-fixes function dim_push_fixes { dim_push_branch drm-intel-fixes "$@" } function dim_push { dim_push_branch $(git_current_branch) "$@" } function apply_patch #patch_file { local patch message_id committer_email patch_from sob rv patch="$1" shift message_id=$(message_get_id $patch) committer_email=$(git_committer_email) patch_from=$(grep "From:" "$patch" | head -1) if [[ "$patch_from" != *"$committer_email"* ]] ; then sob=-s fi if ! git am --scissors -3 $sob "$@" $patch ; then echoerr "ERROR: git apply-mbox failed" return 1 fi if [ -n "$message_id" ]; then dim_commit_add_tag "Link: https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/msgid/$message_id" else echoerr "WARNING: No message-id found in the patch file." rv=1 fi if ! checkpatch_commit HEAD branch; then rv=1 fi if ! check_maintainer $branch HEAD; then rv=1 fi eval $DRY $DIM_POST_APPLY_ACTION return $rv } function check_merge_baseline { local pull_sha1 baseline_sha1 upstream_sha1 pull_sha1=$1 baseline_sha1=$2 upstream_sha1=$3 # the merge base between the pull and upstream is supposed to be in our # tree already if ! git merge-base --is-ancestor $(git merge-base $pull_sha1 $upstream_sha1) $baseline_sha1 ; then echoerr "Pull request contains commits from $upstream_sha1" echoerr "Please backmerge first" warn_or_fail "Issues in pull request detected" fi } # ensure we're on branch $1, and apply patches. the rest of the arguments are # passed to git am. dim_alias_ab=apply-branch dim_alias_sob=apply-branch function dim_apply_branch { local branch file rv branch=${1:?$usage} shift file=$(mktemp) dir=$(mktemp -d) # Transitional if [[ "$branch" = "drm-intel-next-queued" ]]; then echoerr "ERROR: Please use drm-intel-next instead of drm-intel-next-queued." return 1 fi assert_branch $branch assert_repo_clean cat > $file git mailsplit -b -o$dir $file > /dev/null for patch in "$dir"/*; do if ! apply_patch $patch "$@"; then rv=1 fi done rm -rf $file $dir return $rv } function dim_apply_pull { local branch file message_id pull_branch rv merge_msg_file from_line branch=${1:?$usage} file=$(mktemp) assert_branch $branch assert_repo_clean cat > $file pull_branch=$(message_print_body "$file" | sed -ne '/^[^>].*[gG]it repository at:$/,/for you to fetch/{p}' | sed -ne '3,$p' | sed -ne '0,/^$/p' | tr '\n' ' ') from_line=$(grep '^From:' $file | tail -n 1) if [[ -z "$pull_branch" ]] ; then echoerr "no pull request found" return 1 fi message_id=$(message_get_id $file) if [ -z "$message_id" ]; then warn_or_fail "No message-id found in the pull request file." fi echo Pulling $pull_branch ... git fetch $pull_branch if [[ -z "$(git rev-list HEAD..FETCH_HEAD)" ]] ; then warn_or_fail "Nothing in the pull request" fi check_merge_baseline FETCH_HEAD $branch $(branch_to_remote drm-fixes)/drm-fixes check_merge_baseline FETCH_HEAD $branch origin/master checkpatch_commit_push_range 0 "HEAD..FETCH_HEAD" if ! $DRY git pull --no-ff $pull_branch ; then if ! check_conflicts "$pull_branch" ; then echoerr "Please resolve and then commit normally using git" merge_msg_file="$(git_dir)/MERGE_MSG" if [ -n "$message_id" ]; then echo "$from_line" >> $merge_msg_file echo "Link: https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/msgid/$message_id" >> $merge_msg_file fi return 1 else $DRY git add -u $DRY git commit --no-edit --quiet fi fi $DRY git commit --amend -s --no-edit if [ -n "$message_id" ]; then $DRY dim_commit_add_tag "$from_line" $DRY dim_commit_add_tag "Link: https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/msgid/$message_id" fi eval $DRY $DIM_POST_APPLY_ACTION return $rv } function validate_upstream_baseline { local branch upstream branch=${1} upstream=${2} cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-tip if ! dim_list_upstreams | grep -q "^$upstream\$"; then if ! git rev-parse --verify -q "refs/tags/$upstream" > /dev/null ; then warn_or_fail "$upstream is neither an upstream branch nor a tag" fi fi tip_remote=$(repo_to_remote drm-tip) git fetch -q $tip_remote || true if ! git merge-base --is-ancestor $upstream $tip_remote/drm-tip ; then echoerr "Upstream $upstream not merged into drm-tip, aborting." echoerr "Please make sure any backmerge is tested in drm-tip," echoerr "to give all the CI bots some time to find bugs." exit 1 fi assert_branch $branch assert_repo_clean } function dim_backmerge { local branch upstream patch_file branch=${1:?$usage} upstream=${2:?$usage} validate_upstream_baseline $branch $upstream git merge --rerere-autoupdate --no-commit $upstream >& /dev/null || true patch_file=$(git_dir)/MERGE_MSG cat > $patch_file <<-HERE Merge $upstream into $branch *** DETAILED BACKMERGE RATIONALE HERE *** HERE if ! check_conflicts "$upstream" ; then echoerr "Conflicts found while merging $upstream into $branch." echoerr "This should only happen when git rerere gets confused" echoerr "or if there's a manual fixup patch in drm-rerere." echoerr "Please proceed with extreme caution." echoerr "Once the conflict is resolved, commit it with" echoerr " git commit -a" fi git add -u git commit -s } function dim_rebase { local branch upstream patch_file branch=${1:?$usage} upstream=${2:?$usage} validate_upstream_baseline $branch $upstream git rebase --signoff $upstream >& /dev/null || true if ! check_conflicts "$upstream" ; then echoerr "Conflicts found while rebasing $branch onto $upstream." echoerr "Please proceed with extreme caution." echoerr "Resolve the conflict and test it. Once the conflict " echoerr "is resolved, commit it with: " echoerr " git commit -a" echoerr "And continue the rebase with: " echoerr " git rebase --continue" exit 1 fi } function dim_add_link { local branch file message_id branch=${1:?$usage} shift file=$(mktemp) assert_branch $branch assert_repo_clean cat > $file message_id=$(message_get_id $file) rm -f $file if [[ -n "$message_id" ]]; then dim_commit_add_tag "Link: https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/msgid/$message_id" else echoerr "No message-id found in the patch file." fi } function dim_add_link_queued { dim_add_link drm-intel-next "$@" } function dim_add_link_fixes { dim_add_link drm-intel-fixes "$@" } function dim_add_link_next_fixes { dim_add_link drm-intel-next-fixes "$@" } dim_alias_aq=apply-queued function dim_apply_queued { dim_apply_branch drm-intel-next "$@" } function dim_apply_fixes { dim_apply_branch drm-intel-fixes "$@" } function dim_apply_next_fixes { dim_apply_branch drm-intel-next-fixes "$@" } # apply patch to current branch, the rest of the arguments are passed to # git am dim_alias_am=apply function dim_apply { dim_apply_branch $(git_current_branch) "$@" } function commit_list_references { local commit remote log cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-tip remote=$(repo_to_remote drm-tip) git fetch -q $remote || true commit="$1" log=$(mktemp) git log --regexp-ignore-case --grep="${commit:0:8}" --oneline \ $commit..$remote/drm-tip > $log if [ "$(cat $log)" != "" ]; then echo "Commit ${commit:0:8} is referenced by later commits:" sed 's/^/\t/' < $log fi rm -f $log cd - >/dev/null } function dim_cherry_pick { local commit commit=$(git rev-parse ${1:?$usage}) git_fetch_helper $remote commit_list_references $commit $DRY git cherry-pick -s -x -e $commit } function git_list_fixes { git log --reverse --format=format:%H --regexp-ignore-case \ --grep="^Cc:.*stable@vger\.kernel\.org" \ --grep="^Fixes: " \ "$@" } function cherry_pick_branch { local branch log fail_log intel_remote needed have_fixes branch=${1:?$usage} log=$(mktemp) fail_log=$(mktemp) intel_remote=$(repo_to_remote drm-intel) # Look for commits in din tagged as fixes. for commit in $(git_list_fixes $intel_remote/$branch..$intel_remote/drm-intel-next $intel_remote/$branch..$intel_remote/drm-intel-gt-next -- drivers/gpu/drm/i915); do echo -n "Considering $(dim_cite $commit)... " # Look at history for already cherry-picked fixes. # Note: use *local* branches to account for unpushed commits. git log drm-intel-fixes --format=format:%h --after=6months \ --grep="cherry picked .* $commit" > $log if [ "$(cat $log)" = "" ]; then git log drm-intel-next-fixes --format=format:%h --after=6months \ --grep="cherry picked .* $commit" > $log fi if [ "$(cat $log)" != "" ]; then echo "Already backported as $(tr "\n" " " < $log). OK." continue fi have_fixes= needed= for fixes in $(git show -s $commit | grep -i "^ Fixes: *[0-9a-fA-F]" | sed 's/^ *[Ff]ixes: *\([0-9a-fA-F]\+\).*/\1/'); do have_fixes=1 fixes=$(git log -1 --format=format:%H $fixes 2>/dev/null || true) if [[ -z "$fixes" ]]; then continue fi # FIXME: see if the commit to be fixed has been # backported! echo -n "Fixes: $(dim_cite $fixes). " if [[ "$(git merge-base $branch $fixes)" = "$fixes" ]]; then needed=1 fi done # Note: Cc: stable will overrule Fixes: if [[ -n "$have_fixes" && -z "$needed" ]]; then echo "Fixes a commit not in $branch. OK." continue fi echo "Try to cherry-pick." commit_list_references $commit if ! git cherry-pick -x -s $commit; then echo "FAILED: $(dim_cite $commit)" (dim_cite $commit) >> $fail_log git cherry-pick --abort fi done # FIXME: evolve this into an email report to commit authors etc. if [ "$(cat $fail_log)" != "" ]; then echo "Failed to cherry-pick:" cat $fail_log fi rm -f $log $fail_log } function dim_cherry_pick_fixes { assert_branch drm-intel-fixes cherry_pick_branch drm-intel-fixes "$@" } function dim_cherry_pick_next_fixes { assert_branch drm-intel-next-fixes cherry_pick_branch drm-intel-next-fixes "$@" } dim_alias_ar=apply-resolved function dim_apply_resolved { make $DIM_MAKE_OPTIONS && git add -u && git am --resolved checkpatch_commit HEAD || true eval $DRY $DIM_POST_APPLY_ACTION } dim_alias_mrr=magic-rebase-resolve function dim_magic_rebase_resolve { git diff HEAD | patch -p1 -R dim_magic_patch < $(git_dir)/rebase-merge/patch make $DIM_MAKE_OPTIONS git add -u git rebase --continue } dim_alias_mp=magic-patch function dim_magic_patch { local conflict_files if [[ "$1" = "-a" ]]; then cd $(cat ~/.dim-last-path) fi conflict_files=$(patch -p1 | grep "saving rejects" | sed -e "s/.*saving rejects to file \(.*\)/\1/") if [[ $conflict_files != "" ]] ; then echo conflicts found! fi for file in $conflict_files ; do echo wiggling in ${file%.rej}: #cat $file rm -f ${file%.rej}.porig wiggle -r ${file%.rej} $file || true done } function dim_create_branch { local branch repo remote branch=${1:?$usage} start=${2:-HEAD} cd $DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO repo=${branch%%/*} branch=${branch#*/} if [[ "$repo" = "$branch" ]]; then echoerr "give branch in format repo/branch" return 1 fi remote=$(repo_to_remote $repo) if git branch -r | grep -q "$remote/$branch"; then echoerr "$branch already exists on $remote" return 1 fi $DRY git branch $branch $start # git push gives confusing error messages for non-existing branches, # even with --dry-run, hence the even quieter $DRY $DRY git_push $remote +$branch --set-upstream cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-rerere $DRY sed -i "s/^\() # DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINE\)$/\t\"$repo\t\t${branch//\//\\\/}\"\n\1/" $dim_integration_config $DRY git add $dim_integration_config $DRY git commit --quiet -m "Add $repo $branch to $dim_integration_config" } function dim_remove_branch { local branch repo remote branch=${1:?$usage} cd $DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO if [[ -d $DIM_PREFIX/$branch ]] ; then rm -R $DIM_PREFIX/$branch git worktree prune &> /dev/null || true fi if git_branch_exists $branch && ! $DRY git branch -d $branch; then warn_or_fail "Can't remove $branch in working repo" fi cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-tip repo=$(branch_to_repo $branch) if [[ $repo == "" ]] ; then echoerr "$branch not found in $dim_integration_config" exit 1 fi remote=$(repo_to_remote $repo) git_push $remote --delete $branch $DRY git fetch $remote --prune cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-rerere $DRY sed -i "/^[[:space:]]*\"${repo}[[:space:]]\+${branch//\//\\\/}.*$/d" $dim_integration_config $DRY git add $dim_integration_config $DRY git commit --quiet -m "Remove $repo $branch from $dim_integration_config" dim_rebuild_tip } function dim_cd { local path if [[ -d $DIM_PREFIX/$1 ]] ; then path=$DIM_PREFIX/$1 else path=$DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO fi echo $path > ~/.dim-last-path cd $path } dim_alias_co=checkout function dim_checkout { local branch repo remote branch=${1:?$usage} dim_cd $branch if ! git_branch_exists $branch ; then repo=$(branch_to_repo $branch) if [[ $repo == "" ]] ; then echoerr "$branch not found in $dim_integration_config" exit 1 fi remote=$(repo_to_remote $repo) if [ "$remote" == "" ] ; then exit 1 fi git_fetch_helper $remote git checkout -t $remote/$branch else git checkout $branch fi } function dim_conq { dim_checkout drm-intel-next "$@" } function dim_cof { dim_checkout drm-intel-fixes "$@" } function dim_conf { dim_checkout drm-intel-next-fixes "$@" } # $1 branch # $2 commit function check_maintainer { local branch commit rv branch=$1 commit=$2 if [ "$branch" = "drm-intel-next" ]; then if non_i915_files=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r $commit | \ grep -v "^\(drivers/gpu/drm/i915/\|include/drm/i915\|include/uapi/drm/i915\|Documentation/gpu/i915\)") && [[ -n "$non_i915_files" ]]; then echo -e "The following files are outside of i915 maintenance scope:\n" echo "$non_i915_files" echo -e "\nConfirm you have appropriate Acked-by and Reviewed-by for above files." rv=1 fi fi return $rv } # $1 is the git sha1 to check # $2 is the checkpatch profile function checkpatch_commit { local commit rv checkpatch_options profile profile_options commit=$1 profile=${2:-default} # special branch profile maps branches to profiles if [[ "$profile" = "branch" ]]; then case "$(git_current_branch)" in drm-intel-next|drm-intel-next-fixes|drm-intel-fixes) profile=drm-intel ;; drm-misc-next|drm-misc-next-fixes|drm-misc-fixes) profile=drm-misc ;; *) profile=default ;; esac fi # map profiles to checkpatch options case "$profile" in default) profile_options="" ;; drm-misc) profile_options="" ;; drm-intel) profile_options="--max-line-length=100 --ignore=BIT_MACRO,SPLIT_STRING,LONG_LINE_STRING,BOOL_MEMBER" ;; *) echoerr "Unknown checkpatch profile $profile" profile_options="" ;; esac checkpatch_options="-q --emacs --strict --show-types $profile_options -" git --no-pager log --oneline -1 $commit if ! git show --pretty=email $commit |\ scripts/checkpatch.pl $checkpatch_options; then rv=1 fi return $rv } # turn $1 in to a git commit range function rangeish() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "HEAD^..HEAD" elif echo "$1" | grep -q '\.\.'; then echo "$1" else echo "$1..HEAD" fi } function dim_extract_tags { local branch range file tags branch=${1:?$usage} range=$(rangeish "${2:-}") file=$(mktemp) assert_branch $branch assert_repo_clean cat > $file tags=$(message_print_body "$file" | grep -ai '^[^>]*[A-Za-z-]\+: [^ ]') rm -f $file if [[ -z "$tags" ]]; then return 0 fi tags=$(printf -- "$dim_extract_tags_marker\n%s" "$tags") git filter-branch -f --msg-filter "cat ; echo \"$tags\"" $range } function dim_extract_queued { dim_extract_tags drm-intel-next "$@" } function dim_extract_fixes { dim_extract_tags drm-intel-fixes "$@" } function dim_extract_next_fixes { dim_extract_tags drm-intel-next-fixes "$@" } dim_alias_cp=checkpatch function dim_checkpatch { local range profile rv range=$(rangeish "${1:-}") profile=${2:-} for commit in $(git rev-list --reverse $range); do if ! checkpatch_commit $commit $profile; then rv=1 fi done return $rv } function _restore_head_on_exit { local original_ref original_ref="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" if [ "$original_ref" == "HEAD" ]; then original_ref="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" fi # we want to expand this now # shellcheck disable=SC2064 trap "git checkout -q $original_ref" EXIT } function dim_sparse { local range rv sr prev_sr prev_remapped diff_result remap_log commits fast prev_rev if [ "$1" == "--fast" ]; then fast=1 shift fi prev_rev="HEAD~" range=$(rangeish "${1:-}") remap_log=$DIM_PREFIX/maintainer-tools/remap-log if [ ! -e $remap_log ]; then echo "$remap_log is not compailed, please run make in maintainer-tools dir!" exit 1 fi echo "Sparse version: $(sparse --version)" _restore_head_on_exit # make the initial reference build commits=( $(git rev-list --reverse $range) ) git checkout --detach ${commits[0]}~ > /dev/null 2>&1 make olddefconfig > /dev/null 2>&1 make -j8 drivers/gpu/drm/ > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$fast" == 1 ]; then prev_rev="${commits[0]}~" commits=( "${commits[-1]}" ) echo "Fast mode used, each commit won't be checked separately." fi for commit in "${commits[@]}"; do touch --no-create $(git diff --name-only $commit~...$commit) prev_sr="$(make C=1 -j$(nproc) drivers/gpu/drm/ 2>&1 1>/dev/null)" git checkout --detach $commit >/dev/null 2>&1 make olddefconfig > /dev/null 2>&1 sr="$(make C=1 -j$(nproc) drivers/gpu/drm/ 2>&1 1>/dev/null)" prev_remapped="$(echo "$prev_sr" | $remap_log <(git diff $prev_rev | $remap_log))" diff_result="$(diff -u <(echo "$prev_remapped" | sort) <(echo "$sr" | sort) || true)" if [ "$fast" != 1 ]; then echo "Commit: $(git log -n1 --format='%s' $commit)" fi if [ -n "$diff_result" ]; then echo "$diff_result" | grep -E '^[+-]' | grep -E -v '^[+-]{3}' else echo "Okay!" fi echo if (echo "$diff_result" | grep -q '^+'); then rv=1 fi prev_sr="$sr" done return $rv } function dim_checker { rm -f drivers/gpu/drm/i915/*.o drivers/gpu/drm/i915/*.ko make C=1 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.ko } function prep_pull_mail_greetings { if [ -r $DIM_TEMPLATE_HELLO ]; then cat $DIM_TEMPLATE_HELLO fi } function prep_pull_mail_signature { if [ -r $DIM_TEMPLATE_SIGNATURE ]; then cat $DIM_TEMPLATE_SIGNATURE fi } # print pull mail overview based on tags in $@, if any # without tags, print a reminder function prep_pull_mail_overview { local obj if [ "$#" = "0" ]; then echo "*** PULL REQUEST OVERVIEW HERE ***" else for tag in "$@"; do obj=$(git rev-parse $tag) if [[ "$(git cat-file -t $obj)" == "tag" ]] ; then echo $tag: git cat-file -p $obj | tail -n+6 | sed -n '/^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----$/q;p' fi done fi } # prepare a pull request mail # $@: tags, if any, to extract into the pull request overview function prep_pull_mail { local file file=$1 shift prep_pull_mail_greetings > $file prep_pull_mail_overview "$@" >> $file prep_pull_mail_signature >> $file } function dim_create_workdir { local branch branches branches=${1:?$usage} if [[ "$branches" = "all" ]]; then branches=$dim_branches fi cd $DIM_PREFIX for branch in $branches ; do if [[ -d $branch ]] ; then continue; fi echo Creating separate workdir for $branch if git help worktree &> /dev/null; then # native worktree support was added in git 2.5 cd $DIM_REPO $DRY git worktree prune $DRY git worktree add $DIM_PREFIX/$branch $branch cd $DIM_PREFIX else $DRY git-new-workdir $DIM_REPO $branch $branch fi done } dim_alias_fw=for-each-workdir function dim_for_each_workdir { cd $DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO "$@" for branch in $dim_branches ; do if [[ -d $DIM_PREFIX/$branch ]] ; then cd $DIM_PREFIX/$branch "$@" fi done } function tag_name { local prefix suffix tag prefix=$1 tag="$prefix-$dim_today" while git tag -l $tag | grep -q $tag ; do tag="$prefix-$dim_today-$((++suffix))" done echo "$tag" } function tag_summary # branch { local branch tag_template branch=$1 tag_template=$DIM_PREFIX/drm-rerere/tag-templates/${branch//\//-}.txt if [ -r $tag_template ]; then cat $tag_template else cat <<-EOF UAPI Changes: Cross-subsystem Changes: Core Changes: Driver Changes: EOF fi } function tag_branch { local remote tag branch tag=$1 branch=$2 remote=$(branch_to_remote $branch) if ! git merge-base --is-ancestor $branch $remote/$branch ; then echoerr "Branch contains local commits. Aborting." exit 1 fi tag_summary $branch | $DRY git tag -F- $tag "$branch@{upstream}" $DRY git tag -a $DIM_GPG_KEYID -f $tag git_push $remote $tag } # $1: commit subject prefix # $2: file function dim_update_driver_date { local prefix file driver_date driver_timestamp prefix=${1:?$usage} file=${2:?$usage} driver_date=$(date +%Y%m%d) driver_timestamp=$(date +%s) $DRY sed -i -e "s/^#define DRIVER_DATE.*\"[0-9]*\"$/#define DRIVER_DATE\t\t\"$driver_date\"/; s/^#define DRIVER_TIMESTAMP.*/#define DRIVER_TIMESTAMP\t$driver_timestamp/" "$file" $DRY git add "$file" git commit $DRY_RUN -sm "$prefix: Update DRIVER_DATE to $driver_date" } function dim_update_i915_driver_date { dim_update_driver_date "drm/i915" "drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_drv.h" } function dim_tag_branch { local branch upstream remote tag unmerged_tags branch=${1:?$usage} upstream=$2 assert_branch $branch remote=$(branch_to_remote $branch) cd $DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO git fetch $remote if [ $(git rev-parse $branch) != $(git rev-parse "$branch@{u}") ]; then echoerr "ERROR: $branch not up-to-date" return 1 fi echo "Tagging current $branch" if [[ -n "$upstream" ]]; then # If there are unmerged tags, show changes since last unmerged_tags=$(git_unmerged_tags "$branch" "$upstream") if [[ -n "$unmerged_tags" ]]; then upstream="${unmerged_tags%% *}" fi gitk --first-parent "$branch" "^$upstream" & fi tag=$(tag_name "$branch") tag_branch $tag $branch } # dim_pull_request branch upstream function dim_pull_request { local branch upstream remote repo req_file url_list git_url tag branch=${1:?$usage} upstream=${2:?$usage} remote=$(branch_to_remote $branch) req_file=$(mktemp) assert_branch $branch git_fetch_helper ${upstream%%/*} echo "Using $upstream as the upstream" checkpatch_commit_push_range 1 "$upstream..$branch" tag=$(tag_name "$branch") gitk --first-parent "$branch" ^$upstream & tag_branch $tag $branch prep_pull_mail $req_file $tag repo=$(branch_to_repo $branch) url_list=${drm_tip_repos[$repo]} git_url=$(pick_protocol_url git $url_list) git request-pull $upstream $git_url $tag >> $req_file $DRY $DIM_MUA -s "[PULL] $branch" \ -i $req_file "${dim_pull_request_recipients[@]}" } function dim_pull_request_next { upstream=${1:-$(branch_to_remote drm-next)/drm-next} dim_pull_request drm-intel-next $upstream } function dim_pull_request_fixes { upstream=${1:-origin/master} dim_pull_request drm-intel-fixes $upstream } function dim_pull_request_next_fixes { upstream=${1:-$(branch_to_remote drm-next)/drm-next} dim_pull_request drm-intel-next-fixes $upstream } # Note: used by bash completion function dim_list_upstreams { cd $DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO echo origin/master echo $(branch_to_remote drm-next)/drm-next echo $(branch_to_remote drm-fixes)/drm-fixes } # Note: used by bash completion function dim_list_branches { echo $dim_branches | sed 's/ /\n/g' } dim_alias_ub=update-branches function dim_update_branches { local repo remote intel_remote cd $DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO fetch_all assert_repo_clean for branch in $dim_branches ; do if ! git_branch_exists $branch ; then continue fi dim_checkout $branch repo=$(branch_to_repo $branch) remote=$(repo_to_remote $repo) if ! $DRY git merge --ff-only $remote/$branch; then $DRY git rebase -i fi done cd $DIM_PREFIX/maintainer-tools if git_is_current_branch master || git_is_current_branch maintainer-tools; then echo "Updating maintainer-tools..." git pull --rebase fi update_rerere_cache } function dim_status { local repo remote patches local drm_next_upstream drm_fixes_upstream cd $DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO fetch_all for branch in $dim_branches ; do repo=$(branch_to_repo $branch) remote=$(repo_to_remote $repo) drm_next_upstream=$(branch_to_remote drm-fixes)/drm-fixes drm_fixes_upstream=$(branch_to_remote drm-next)/drm-next patches=$(git log --oneline $remote/$branch ^origin/master \ ^$drm_next_upstream ^$drm_fixes_upstream | wc -l) if [[ $patches -ne 0 ]] ; then echo $repo/$branch: $patches unmerged patches fi done } function setup_aux_checkout # name url directory { local name url dir remote name=$1 url=$2 dir=$3 echo "Setting up $dir ..." if [ ! -d $dir ]; then if git help worktree &> /dev/null ; then cd $DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO remote=$(url_to_remote $url) if ! git_branch_exists $name ; then git_fetch_helper $remote git branch --track $name $remote/$name fi git worktree add $DIM_PREFIX/$dir $name else git clone --reference=$DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO/.git $url $dir cd $dir git config remote.origin.url $url echo "$(git_dir $DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO)/objects" > $(git_dir)/objects/info/alternates git repack -a -d -l remote=origin fi else cd $dir remote=$(url_to_remote $url) fi if ! git_branch_exists $name ; then git checkout -t $remote/$name fi cd - > /dev/null } function dim_setup { local remote drm_tip_ssh linux_upstream_git drm_tip_ssh=ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/drm-tip linux_upstream_git=git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git if [[ ! -d "$DIM_PREFIX" ]]; then if ask_user "The DIM_PREFIX repository directory '$DIM_PREFIX' doesn't exist. Create?"; then mkdir -p "$DIM_PREFIX" else echoerr "Please set up your DIM_PREFIX repository directory with" echoerr " mkdir -p $DIM_PREFIX" echoerr "or update your configuration (see dimrc.sample)." exit 1 fi fi cd $DIM_PREFIX if [[ ! -d "$DIM_REPO" ]]; then if ask_user "The DIM_REPO maintainer kernel repository '$DIM_REPO' doesn't exist. Clone upstream?"; then git clone "$linux_upstream_git" "$DIM_REPO" fi fi if [[ ! -d "$(git_dir $DIM_REPO)" ]]; then echoerr "No kernel git checkout found in '$DIM_REPO'." echoerr "Please set up your DIM_REPO maintainer kernel repository at '$DIM_REPO' with:" echoerr " cd $DIM_PREFIX" echoerr " git clone $linux_upstream_git $DIM_REPO" echoerr "or update your configuration (see dimrc.sample)." exit 1 fi if [[ ! -d "$(git_dir maintainer-tools)" ]]; then if ask_user "No maintainer-tools git checkout found in 'maintainer-tools'. Clone upstream?"; then git clone "$maintainer_tools_https" "maintainer-tools" else echoerr "No maintainer-tools git checkout found in 'maintainer-tools'." echoerr "dim update will not work. Please fix." fi fi setup_aux_checkout rerere-cache $drm_tip_ssh drm-rerere setup_aux_checkout drm-tip $drm_tip_ssh drm-tip dim_update_branches echo "dim setup successfully completed!" } function assert_branch { local branch branch=$1 dim_cd $branch if git_is_current_branch $branch ; then return 0 else echo "You're on the wrong branch, expected $branch in $PWD" return 1 fi } function assert_repo_clean { if [[ -n "$(git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no)" ]]; then echo "Repository not clean, aborting." exit 1 fi } # Note: used by bash completion function dim_list_commands { declare -F | grep -o " dim_[a-zA-Z_]*" | sed 's/^ dim_//;s/_/-/g' } # Note: used by bash completion function dim_list_aliases { # use posix mode to omit functions in set output ( set -o posix; set ) | grep "^dim_alias_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*=" |\ sed 's/^dim_alias_//;s/=/\t/;s/_/-/g' } # Commands that do not require full setup function list_developer_commands { local -a developer_commands developer_commands=( # developer commands # these should match the developer section in dim.rst "checker" "checkpatch" "cite" "fixes" "retip" "range-diff" "sparse" "tc" # help commands "help" "usage" "version" # include setup "setup" ) printf "%s\n" "${developer_commands[@]}" } function dim_cat_to_fixup # [branch] { local fixup_file repo branch branch=$1 cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-tip if [ -z "$branch" ]; then branch=$(cat .fixup_branch) fi repo=$(branch_to_repo $branch) fixup_file=$(find_fixup_file $repo $branch) cat > $fixup_file echo "Applied fixup for $branch" } function dim_tc { local sha1 tag conf remote_branches sha1=${1:?$usage} cd $DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO tag=$(git tag --contains $sha1 | grep ^v | sort -V | head -n 1) if [[ -n "$tag" ]]; then echo "$tag" return 0 fi # not in a tagged release, show upstream branches remote_branches="origin/master" for conf in "${drm_tip_config[@]}"; do local repo branch override remote read -r repo branch override <<< $conf remote=$(repo_to_remote $repo) remote_branches="$remote_branches $remote/$branch" done git branch -r --contains $sha1 $remote_branches | sed 's/^ *//' | sort } function dim_cite { local sha1 sha1=${1:?$usage} git --git-dir="$DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO/.git" log -1 $sha1 \ "--pretty=format:%H (\"%s\")%n" | \ sed -e 's/\([0-f]\{12\}\)[0-f]*/\1/' } function dim_fixes { local sha1 tag sha1=${1:?$usage} cd $DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO echo "Fixes: $(dim_cite $sha1)" ( git show --no-patch $sha1 | \ sed -e 's/\(Reviewed\|Acked\|Reported\|Signed\)[a-zA-Z-]*-by:/Cc:/' | \ sed -e 's/^ C[Cc]: */Cc: /' | grep '^Cc: ' git show $sha1 | scripts/get_maintainer.pl --email --norolestats --pattern-depth 1 | sed -e "s/^/Cc: /" ) | awk '!x[$0]++' tag=$(git tag --contains $sha1 | grep ^v | sort -V | head -n 1) if [[ -n "$tag" ]]; then if ! echo "$tag" | grep -q -e "-rc"; then echo "Cc: <stable@vger.kernel.org> # ${tag}+" fi fi } function dim_add_missing_cc { local email name matches git show | scripts/get_maintainer.pl --email --norolestats --pattern-depth 1 | while read -r cc; do email="$(echo "$cc" | sed -e 's/.*<//' -e 's/>.*//')" name='' if echo "$cc" | grep -q '<'; then name="$(echo ${cc/<*/} | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*\$//')"; fi # Don't add main mailing lists if [[ "$email" = "dri-devel@lists.freedesktop.org" || \ "$email" = "linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org}" ]]; then continue fi # Variables from the while loop don't propagate, # print out a 1 on success matches=$( git show -s | grep -i "^ Cc:" | sed 's/^ *[Cc][Cc]: *//' | while read -r testcc; do testemail="$(echo "$testcc" | sed -e 's/.*<//' -e 's/>.*//')" if [ "$testemail" != "$email" ]; then if [ -z "$name" ]; then continue; fi testname="$(echo ${testcc/<*/} | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*\$//' -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')" if [ "$testname" != "$name" ]; then continue; fi fi echo 1 break done ) if [ -z "$matches" ]; then $DRY dim_commit_add_tag "Cc: ${cc}" fi done } function dim_help { manpage=$DIM_PREFIX/maintainer-tools/dim.rst if [ ! -e "$manpage" ]; then manpage=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))/dim.rst if [ ! -e "$manpage" ]; then echo "Can't find the man page. See http://cgit.freedesktop.org/drm-tip/tree/dim.rst?h=maintainer-tools" exit 1 fi fi if hash rst2man 2>/dev/null; then renderer="rst2man" pager="man -l -" else renderer="cat" pager=${PAGER:-cat} fi $renderer < $manpage | $pager } function dim_usage { echo "usage: $dim [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND [ARGUMENTS]" echo echo "The available subcommands are:" if hash column 2>/dev/null; then dim_list_commands | column -c 72 | sed 's/^/\t/' else dim_list_commands | sed 's/^/\t/' fi echo echo "See '$dim help' for more information." } # # Command line options. Global short uppercase variables. # DRY_RUN= INTERACTIVE= DRY= FORCE= HELP= while getopts hdfis opt; do case "$opt" in d) DRY_RUN=--dry-run DRY="echo" ;; f) FORCE=1 ;; i) INTERACTIVE=pause ;; h) HELP=1 ;; s) # FIXME: transitional, do unconditionally at the top # when there are no more errors about unbound variables set -u ;; *) echoerr "See '$dim help' for more information." exit esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) # first positional argument is the subcommand if [ -n "$HELP" ] || [ "$#" = "0" ]; then subcommand="usage" else subcommand="$1" shift fi # generic usage to be used for ${1:?$usage} style argument references usage="Missing arguments(s) for '$dim $subcommand'. See '$dim help' for usage." # dim subcommand aliases (with bash 4.3+) if ! declare -n subcmd=dim_alias_${subcommand//-/_} &> /dev/null || \ test -z "${subcmd:-}"; then subcmd="$subcommand" fi # look up the function by the subcommand name subcmd_func=dim_${subcmd//-/_} if ! declare -f $subcmd_func >/dev/null; then echoerr "'$subcommand' is not a dim command." dim_usage exit 1 fi # # Sanity checks. # # Make sure we use 'dim_foo' within dim instead of 'dim foo'. if [[ -n "${__dim_running:-}" ]]; then echoerr "INTERNAL ERROR: do not recurse back to dim" exit 1 fi export __dim_running=1 check_dim_config # Commands useful for developers don't need a full dim setup if list_developer_commands | grep -qx $subcmd; then if [ -r $DIM_PREFIX/drm-rerere/$dim_integration_config ]; then read_integration_config fi else for d in $DIM_PREFIX $DIM_PREFIX/$DIM_REPO $DIM_PREFIX/drm-rerere $DIM_PREFIX/drm-tip; do if [ ! -d $d ]; then echoerr "$d is missing, please check your configuration and/or run dim setup" exit 1 fi done read_integration_config check_for_updates check_dim_version check_git_version fi # throw away to not confuse list-aliases unset subcmd $subcmd_func "$@"