From 12976ee32ae2cb97c7384ef6afde5f9076fc7d99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jani Nikula <>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2016 12:40:46 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] dim: switch to using remote agnostic integration branch

NOTE: This change depends on the nightly.conf commit 0d0e6d4e7dcc
("nightly.conf: prepare for remote agnostic configuration") in the
rerere-cache branch of the drm-intel repo. Looking at that first makes
this change more sensible.

Use two arrays to configure the repos and branches to be merged to the
integration branch:


	An associative array that maps repo names to urls. This is
	mostly a convenience for defining the other array. The repo
	names are symbolic, and not related to actual git remote names.
	It's also helpful for implementing dim create-branch and


	An array of strings which describes the repos and branches to be
	used to generate the integration branch. The repos are listed
	using the symbolic repo names from the drm_tip_repos array. It's
	also possible to list an override sha, in case there's a need to
	hold back updating to the tip of the branch for some reason.

dim as a whole still remains dependent on specific (and configured)
remote names, but this change detaches nightly.conf from the remote

Acked-by: Daniel Vetter <>
Signed-off-by: Jani Nikula <>
 dim | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dim b/dim
index 6a23c86..66ea0dd 100755
--- a/dim
+++ b/dim
@@ -95,6 +95,27 @@ addr_intel_qa="\"Christophe Prigent\" <>"
 # integration configuration
+function read_integration_config
+	# clear everything first to allow configuration reload
+	unset drm_tip_repos drm_tip_config
+	declare -g -A drm_tip_repos
+	declare -g -a drm_tip_config
+	if [ -r $DIM_PREFIX/drm-intel-rerere/$integration_config ]; then
+		source $DIM_PREFIX/drm-intel-rerere/$integration_config
+	fi
+	dim_branches=
+	for conf in "${drm_tip_config[@]}"; do
+		read repo branch override <<< $conf
+		if [[ "$repo" = "drm-intel" ]]; then
+			dim_branches="$dim_branches $branch"
+		fi
+	done
 # Command line options.
@@ -161,14 +182,30 @@ if [ "$subcommand" != "setup" -a "$subcommand" != "help" -a "$subcommand" != "us
 			exit 1
-	#
-	# Internal configuration that depends on a sane setup.
-	#
+# get the remote name for url, depends on current repo
+function url_to_remote
+	local url="$1"
-	dim_branches=`(source $DIM_PREFIX/drm-intel-rerere/$integration_config ; echo $nightly_branches) | \
-		xargs -n 1 echo | grep '^origin' | sed -e 's/^origin\///'`
+	if [[ -z "$url" ]]; then
+		echoerr "$0 without url"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	local remote=$(git remote -v | grep -m 1 "$url" | cut -f 1)
+	if [[ -z "$remote" ]]; then
+		echoerr "No git remote for url $url found in $(pwd)"
+		echoerr "Please set it up using:"
+		echoerr "    $ git remote add <name> $url"
+		echoerr "with a name of your choice."
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	echo $remote
 function dim_uptodate
@@ -291,7 +328,7 @@ function dim_rebuild_nightly
 	echo "Done."
 	echo -n "Reloading $integration_config... "
-	source $rerere/$integration_config
+	read_integration_config
 	echo "Done."
 	cd $DIM_PREFIX/$integration_branch
@@ -300,7 +337,8 @@ function dim_rebuild_nightly
 		exit 1
-	for remote in $(echo $nightly_branches | tr " " "\n" | sed 's|/.*$||g' | sort -u); do
+	for url in "${drm_tip_repos[@]}"; do
+		local remote=$(url_to_remote $url)
 		echo -n "Fetching $remote... "
 		# git fetch returns 128 if there's nothing to be fetched
 		git fetch $remote >& /dev/null || true
@@ -308,22 +346,17 @@ function dim_rebuild_nightly
 	# merge -fixes
-	for tree in $nightly_branches; do
-		local branch=${tree%:*}
-		local sha1=${tree#*:}
-		local name=${branch##*/}
-		# the : separator is optional
-		if [[ $sha1 == $tree ]] ; then
-			sha1=
-		fi
+	for conf in "${drm_tip_config[@]}"; do
+		read repo branch override <<< $conf
+		local url=${drm_tip_repos[$repo]}
+		local remote=$(url_to_remote $url)
+		local sha1=$remote/$branch
-		echo -n "Merging $branch... "
+		echo -n "Merging $repo (local remote $remote) $branch... "
-		if [[ -n $sha1 ]] ; then
+		if [[ -n "$override" ]]; then
+			sha1=$override
 			echo -n "Using override sha1: $sha1... "
-		else
-			sha1=$branch
 		if [ $first == 1 ] ; then
@@ -335,8 +368,7 @@ function dim_rebuild_nightly
 			echo "Fast-forward. Done."
-			local fixup_file=$rerere/$integration_branch-$name-fixup.patch
+			local fixup_file=$rerere/$repo-${branch//\//-}-fixup.patch
 			echo $fixup_file > .fixup_file_path
 			git merge --rerere-autoupdate --no-commit $sha1 >& /dev/null || true
@@ -353,7 +385,7 @@ function dim_rebuild_nightly
 			echo "Done."
-		echo -e "$branch `git rev-parse $sha1`\n\t`git log -1 $sha1 --pretty=format:%s`" >> $specfile
+		echo -e "$repo $branch `git rev-parse $sha1`\n\t`git log -1 $sha1 --pretty=format:%s`" >> $specfile
@@ -617,11 +649,18 @@ function dim_create_branch
 	$DRY git branch $branch $start
 	git push $DRY_RUN $DIM_DRM_INTEL_REMOTE +$branch --set-upstream
+	# FIXME: make it possible to add/remove non-drm-intel branches
+	local repo=drm-intel
 	cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-intel-rerere
+	$DRY sed -i "s/^\() # DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINE\)$/\t\"$repo\t\t${branch//\//\\\/}\"\n\1/" $integration_config
+	# FIXME: For backward compatibility. Remove.
 	$DRY echo "nightly_branches=\"\$nightly_branches origin/$branch\"" \
 	     >> $integration_config
 	$DRY git add $integration_config
-	$DRY git commit --quiet -m "Add $branch to $integration_config"
+	$DRY git commit --quiet -m "Add $repo $branch to $integration_config"
 function dim_remove_branch
@@ -645,11 +684,18 @@ function dim_remove_branch
 	cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-intel-nightly
 	git push $DRY_RUN origin --delete $branch
 	$DRY git fetch origin --prune
+	# FIXME: make it possible to add/remove non-drm-intel branches
+	local repo=drm-intel
 	cd $DIM_PREFIX/drm-intel-rerere
+	$DRY sed -i "/^[[:space:]]*\"${repo}[[:space:]]\+${branch//\//\\\/}.*$/d" $integration_config
+	# FIXME: For backward compatibility. Remove.
 	$DRY sed -e "/${full_branch//\//\\\/}/d" -i $integration_config
 	$DRY git add $integration_config
-	$DRY git commit --quiet -m "Remove $branch from $integration_config"
+	$DRY git commit --quiet -m "Remove $repo $branch from $integration_config"
 function dim_cd