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  • Petri Latvala's avatar
    runner: Implement --dry-run · 96f3a1b8
    Petri Latvala authored
    Actually implement --dry-run to not execute tests. With dry-run
    active, attempting to execute will figure out the list of things to
    execute, serialize them along with settings, and stop. This will be
    useful for CI that wants to post-mortem on failed test rounds to
    generate a list of tests that should have been executed and produce
    json result files (full of 'notrun') for proper statistics.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPetri Latvala <>
    Cc: Andi Shyti <>
    Cc: Martin Peres <>
    Cc: Arkadiusz Hiler <>
    Cc: Tomi Sarvela <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarMartin Peres <>