Radeon 3200HD - HDMI audio works only with mplayer
Submitted by Barbara Meindl
Assigned to Default DRI bug account
Gentoo linux with newest development versions of mesa and xf86-video-ati driver, vanilla kernel 2.6.33-rc4, KMS activated.
Graphics device Radeon 3200HD, onboard chipset 780g.
The .asoundrc sets the default alsa output device to hw card 1 device 3
Everything works fine except the HDMI audio output. Audio only works with mplayer.
Mplayer (with and without option -ao alsa) works flawlessly. Clear sound.
Other tested sound output:
firefox with flash player (youtube) - screeching, hangs firefox after a few seconds
ffplay (ffmpeg) - a few seconds of shrill sounds then hangs
pydance - hangs completely without output
stepmania (version 3 and latest development version, sound device set to default) - screeching sounds, no hangups
xbmc (development version and latest stable version) - hangs on play
The radeonhd driver gives fine HDMI audio output and also the closed source catalyst driver works.