Display freezes & corruption with an r7 260x on 3.14-rc6
Submitted by Ed Tomlinson
Assigned to Default DRI bug account
Created attachment 95520
log of boot
I recently added a R7 260X to my system. While the card works with 3.13 its supposed work much better with 14-rc. This is not the case. My system is unstable without radeon.dpm=0 which was the default in .13.
linux 3.14-rc6 (with an up to date arch, stable X and mesa-git (10.2) mesa 10.1 and 10.0 also show very similar problems.
When X started I did notice some corruption. There are sets of two rectangles about of a height of 2 or 3 mm, width of 25m or so with a second about a cm below. The often occurs in chomium especially when scrolling. Runing the unigine-sanctuary or unigine-tropics demo/benchmark programs also produce the above problems and eventually stall.
Attachment 95520, "log of boot":