amdgpu-pro-install fails to install on openSUSE Leap 15.1 due to insufficient checks of $ID [PATCH included]
Submitted by Timo Sigurdsson
Assigned to Jeremy Newton
Link to original bug (#111402)
Created attachment 145064
Simple fix that allows installing on openSUSE Leap 15.1
I downloaded the latest amdgpu-pro-19.30-844693-sle-15.tar.xz package from and tried to install it on openSUSE Leap 15.1 following the docs [1].
The command
$ ./amdgpu-pro-install --opencl=legacy --headless
failed with the following error:
tee: /etc/yum.repos.d/amdgpu-pro-local.repo: No such file or directory
So, the installer seems to mistake my system for a RHEL/CentOS-based OS.
Looking at the code, I noticed the script gets the $ID from /etc/os-release which in my case looks like this:
NAME="openSUSE Leap"
VERSION="15.1 "
The function yum_repo() in the script does not properly check the $ID, however. It only matches against the strings 'sles', 'sled' and 'opensuse', but not 'opensuse-leap'. This is contrary to the function os_release() which matches opensuse-leap as well (with a wildcard).
So, the solution to the issue is a simple wildcard. I'm attaching a patch that allowed me to run the installer on openSUSE Leap 15.1.
Patch 145064, "Simple fix that allows installing on openSUSE Leap 15.1":