amdgpu CIK power management issues (overdrive and wattman)
Submitted by grmat Assigned to Default DRI bug account
Link to original bug (#106306)
Created attachment 139211
dmesg output pp_num_states
Testing upstream kernel (4.17.0-rc2-ga27fc14219f2) because of the newly introduced "wattman" functionality. On my CIK hardware (Hawaii/R9 290X), none of the sysfs and hwmon entries work. Writing to sysfs files like pp_sclk_od, pp_od_clk_voltage works (no error) but the hardware/driver does not react to the changes. Reading sysfs/hwmon files like power1_cap_max, pp_table, pp_od_clk_voltage print no output. Trying to read from pp_num_states even segfaults (attached is the dmesg output of the corresponding error).
Attachment 139211, "dmesg output pp_num_states":