GPU initialization fails when running in VM
Submitted by Markus Ebner Assigned to Default DRI bug account
Created attachment 124126
dmesg output after modprobing amdgpu
QEMU + VFIO running VM with Ubuntu 16.04 and the latest amdgpu driver (amdgpu-pro 16.20.3)
If the system is started normally, the kernel crashes during boot with various errors (varies from boot to boot!).
If the module (amdgpu) is blacklisted during boot (grub.cfg) and modprobed afterwards the error always the same [see attached file]:
sw_init 5 failed -12
amdgpu_init failed
memory type 2 has not been initialized
amdgpu probe failed with error -12
- Using the amdgpu version shipped with Ubuntu 16.04, booting works ONCE. Rebooting/Shutting-Down the VM leads to consecutive errors of not beeing able to init the GPU again, probably due to Bonaire PCI-Reset issues. Restarting the Host itself allows booting the VM once more. Hereafter: Same error.
- A Windows 10 VM does not suffer from those issues. Rebooting/Shutting-Down this VM works without issues / host-reboot
**Attachment 124126**, "dmesg output after modprobing amdgpu":