Screen corruption/lockups on Northern Islands (BARTS) with dpm active
Submitted by Alex S
Assigned to Default DRI bug account
Created attachment 83713
Greps from dmesg for "drm" and "radeon"
I'm receiving massive screen corruptions on my Radeon HD 6870 when I use dpm on an rc1/2/3/4 kernel with the following symptoms:
There's flickering all over the screen, artifacts and after trying to open anything related to graphics (glxgears, animated menus in KDE, etc...) the machine freezes and can only be revived with a hard reset. Sometimes the machine doesn't even get so far and freezes immediately before. This is accompanied by a black screen or blue lines on the screen.
The huge issue is: there's absolutely no error in dmesg and dpm is also automatically set in power_method
I'm including grep'd dmesg's for "drm" and "radeon" anyways, to illustrate that everything seems to load fine.
More information about the card and my system: XFX Radeon HD 6870 Black Edition with stock bios on an Arch Linux 64 bit system.
I'm using the newest mesa-git, libdrm, xf86-video-ati-git and ati-dri-git.
It's nearly impossible to gather more information than dmesg, because the system is extremely unstable when using dpm.
When I'm NOT setting radeon.dpm=1 the system boots fine, has 3D acceleration and I've not a single issue with my graphics stack.
Attachment 83713, "Greps from dmesg for "drm" and "radeon"":