rendering of large vtk datasets very slow
Submitted by Paulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade Assigned to Default DRI bug account
I packaged the software
in mandriva (but there are ubuntu and fedora packages available in the above link), but it has a problem that appears to happen only with
When running the software using fbdev to force, as forcing indirect rendering doesn't change anything, it runs slow, but doesn't lock the computer/mouse for almost 1 minute for every repaint. Using oprofile, and starting the application, loading a project and clicking the close button shows that most of the time is spent in kernel mode (70%ish, and I believe should be in the drm code, what would explain even the mouse pointer almost locked).
My guess is that the issue is some condition where converting the data to triangles/textures becomes a lot slower then if just doing sw accel.
I am sorry I don't have much other details, so this bug report is more of a heads up about possible issues with VTK. I contacted upstream of InVesalius, and they said they were looking at some possible options, and linked to