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drm_hwcomposer: Add support for Arm Framebuffer Compression (AFBC) modifiers.

One needs to translate the Gralloc buffer flags for AFBC (eg MALI_GRALLOC_INTFMT_AFBC_BASIC) to the corresponding linux kernel drm modifiers. This gets passed to libdrm via drmModeAddFB2WithModifiers.

Changes from v1:-

  • Moved ConvertGrallocFormatToDrmModifiers() and IsDrmFormatRgb() from 'DrmGenericImporter' to 'HisiImporter' as suggested by Sean paul
  • Check if the format is rgb and set AFBC_FORMAT_MOD_YTR only if any of the AFBC related Gralloc flags are set.

Changes from v2:-

  • Changed ConvertGrallocFormatToDrmModifiers() and IsDrmFormatRgb() from 'public' to 'private' (suggested by Sean Paul)

Changes from v3:-

  • Reordered the members of 'class HisiImporter'. Functions should go above member variables. (suggested by Sean Paul)

Signed-off-by: Ayan Kumar Halder Reviewed-by: Sean Paul

/-- Note for reviewer I was able to get this working for hikey960 with aosp/master for kernel 4.14. The libdrm headers need to be updated as the AFBC modifiers are missing in the aosp/master's external/libdrm. --/

Change-Id: I66abaa08d19ce88169cc40522b167dfe5efc7036

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