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Draft: drm_hwcomposer: Update code formatting rules

$ clang-format-11 --style=Google --dump-config > .clang-format

New format style has a lot of improvements, like better wrapping:
-  auto mode = std::find_if(connector_->modes().begin(),
-                           connector_->modes().end(),
-                           [config](DrmMode const &m) {
-                             return == config;
-                           });
+  auto mode =
+      std::find_if(connector_->modes().begin(), connector_->modes().end(),
+                   [config](DrmMode const &m) { return == config; });

It also allow putting single-statement blocks into a single line:
-  if (modes)
-    *modes = HAL_COLOR_MODE_NATIVE;
+  if (modes) *modes = HAL_COLOR_MODE_NATIVE;
or even
-uint32_t DrmConnector::mm_width() const {
-  return mm_width_;
+uint32_t DrmConnector::mm_width() const { return mm_width_; }

Keep code unchanged, so the new formatting rules will be applied only
to the new changes.
Edited by Roman Stratiienko

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