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  • Zeeshan Ali Khan's avatar
    zb,zm,zn,zp,zx,zv: Inline format args · 3cd65d94
    Zeeshan Ali Khan authored
    Latest clippy gained a warning lint about this:
    error: variables can be used directly in the `format!` string
       --> zbus_macros/src/
    199 |             .or_else(|| Some(format!("/org/freedesktop/{}", ident)));
        |                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        = help: for further information visit
    help: change this to
    199 -             .or_else(|| Some(format!("/org/freedesktop/{}", ident)));
    199 +             .or_else(|| Some(format!("/org/freedesktop/{ident}")));
    Luckily, clippy can fix it automatically for us as well.